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Thread: Pics of Murphy and Floppsy's new cage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA

    Pics of Murphy and Floppsy's new cage

    Well we're getting another gerbil, b/c we found a good breeder to get one from (thanks SO much Shell for convincing my dad!). But until then here are some pics of Murphy in his playpen. He is always out there in the day-time, he loves it. But sometimes it gets too hot to go outside with Murph, so we have to stay inside.

    Here's an overview of the play area:

    Except I keep adding new things, like more cardboard.

    Sorry the pics aren't that good, but he is very fast so it's hard to get pics of him.

    How do I get outta here?

    What's in there?

    They'll never find me here..

    And now for the requested Floppsy pics!

    This is the cage. Keep in mind that she'll only be in it full-time until I litter-train her

    Lady was really interested in seeing what the "new arrival" was.

    Sally pretended not to notice

    Hope you like the pics!
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    aww they are so cute, what nice play areas . I need one of thoughs play areas for my hammies!!!!..

    murphy is so cute, he looks just like Jade! , I hope the breeder is a good one and I hope they know how to sex gerbils properly lol..
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    I'm confused!!

    Anyway Murphy is so so tiny but so so cute so cute it is good he is in another country or I may try to steal him!!

    And Flopsey looks like "queen of the castle" in her cage on the table (but where will you and your family eat now!!!!!!)
    Happy to help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Floppsey! Quickly get litter trained! We want you to wander around the house I love yoru new home!!

    And Murphy, how adorable you are!

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Arlington, Texas
    They are sooo cute! I went ot Petco and saw gerbils, I really wanted one!! Lady looks really interested!

    Great pics!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA
    I'm confused!!
    Shell- My dad told me that you gave him a breeder site and info on gerbils having companions. That concinved him!

    (but where will you and your family eat now!!!!!!)
    That's just a little table out there. It basically had no purpose until now.

    Thanks everyone! Floppsy keeps laying in her mini-litter box lmao. She thinks it's her bed.
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    Great pictures, Britt! Murphy is adorable!!!

    And Floppsy looks so comfy in her new room.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Minnesota, United States
    Love the pics Britt!! Murphy is a lil Doll!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    I also just placed Sage in her new cage, a 10 gallon tank, with tonz of aspen bedding to play and dig in and tonz of cardboard to chew on . I found out her favorite treat is rice cakes!! who would have thought..
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA
    That's cool, Jynnelle. It sounds like she's really doing great. I never even thought about rice cakes, lol. I'll have to see if Murphy likes them.

    Thanks everyone!

    Oh yeah, and Floppsy went in the litter box all by herself today!! This is going good.
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Rabbits often sit for a while in their litter box, not to worry!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oooh, Britt - buy some Timothy hay, and put that in the litter box. Miss Hoppy thinks that wherever there's hay. that's where the litter box is. Bunnies will much the hay as they use the litterbox, and thw hay is good for them, too!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA
    Thanks Karen, we'll get some Timothy Hay for her.

    Rather than making a whole new thread, I thought I'd post it here: We got another companion for Murphy. His name is Mack and he is definetly a male. He is bigger than Murph, so we are introducing them slowly.
    Here's a pic:

    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    omg I love his markings!! they are so nice!! lucky Mack found his way into your home . I think it will be ok to house thenm together, try the split cage method first! if that doesnt work then humm.. lol good luck he is such a handsome boy !! he is a boy !! I can tell from the pic!!
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA
    Yeah, we're using the split cage method now.
    Here's a pic of the divided cage:

    I will let them have a playtime tomorrow in the playpen. I hope everything will go well.
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

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