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Thread: Plants poisonous to cats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Evergreen State, WASHINGTON

    Plants poisonous to cats

    I ran across this on the internet today and thought it might be usefull. There is also one for dogs, that I posted on 'dogs general'

    "Plants poisonous to Cats"
    Please note that this list of poisonous plants is not a complete list. The plants listed are the more common plants that are poisonous to cats. While some of these plants only give cats symptoms of irritation, please be aware that different cats and the amount of the plant that is ingested effects how toxic the particular plant can be. Always take your cat to the vet immediately if you believe your cat has ingested a plant that might be poisonous.

    Toxic portion of Plant
    Symptoms of Poisoning

    Aloe Vera All parts Diarrhea

    Amaryllis Bulbs Upset stomach, hyperactivity, lethargy, coma, shock, death

    Apple Seeds rapid breathing, shock, dilated pupils, gum inflammation

    Apricot Seeds, pits Varied toxic effect

    Asparagus Fern Most parts Vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, tremors, heart, respiratory, kidney failure

    Autumn Crocus Bulbs Oral irritation, upset stomach, kidney failure, hyperactivity, lethargy, coma, shock, death

    Avocado Fruit and pit Diarrhea, vomiting, labored breathing, death

    Azalea All parts weakness, upset stomach, heart failure, depression

    Baby's breath All parts Varied toxic effects

    Baneberry Berries, roots, foliage Varied toxic effects

    Bird of Paradise All parts Varied toxic effects

    Bittersweet Berries Varied toxic effects

    Bleeding Heart Foliage, roots Varied toxic effects

    Boxwood All parts Upset stomach, excitability, lethargy

    Branching Ivy All parts Varied toxic effects

    Buckeyes All parts Varied toxic effects

    Buddhist Pine All parts Varied toxic effects

    Buttercup All top growth Upset, stomach, varied effects

    Caladium Leaf, stem, stalk, bulbs Upset stomach, oral irritation, asphyxiation, tremors, seizures, loss of balance, death

    Calla Lily Bulb Upset stomach, oral irritation, tremors, seizures, loss of balance, death

    Castor bean Seed and seed pulp Death

    Ceriman All parts Varied toxic effects

    Charming Dieffenbachia All parts Varied toxic effects

    Cherry (All types and forms) All parts Shock, gum inflammation, dilated pupils, rapid breathing, death

    Chinese evergreen All parts Varied toxic effects

    Christmas Rose All parts Upset stomach, diarrhea, seizures, disorientation

    Chrysanthemum All parts Skin irritation

    Cineria All parts Varied toxic effects

    Clematis All parts Varied toxic effects

    Cordatum All parts Varied toxic effects

    Cornflower All parts Varied toxic effects

    Cornstalk plant Most parts Upset stomach, labored breathing, other varied effects

    Croton All parts Varied toxic effects

    Cuban Laurel Most parts Upset stomach, other varied effects

    Daffodil Bulbs upset stomach, seizures, weakness, tremors, excitement, lethargy, coma, death

    Daphne Bark, leaves, fruit Varied toxic effects

    Devil's Ivy Most parts Upset stomach, mouth irritation, tremors, seizures, loss of balance, asphyxiation, death

    Dieffenbachia All parts Varied toxic effects

    Dracaena Palm All parts Varied toxic effects

    Dragon Tree All parts Varied Toxic effects

    Dumb Cane All parts Varied toxic effects

    Easter Lily All parts Kidney failure, upset stomach, weakness

    Eggplant Green growth, sprouts Upset stomach, heart failure, drooling, lethargy

    Elaine All parts Varied toxic effects

    Elderberry All parts Upset stomach, diarrhea

    Elephant ear All parts Varied toxic effects

    Emerald feather All parts Varied toxic effects

    English Ivy Most parts Upset stomach, hyperactivity, labored breathing, fever, increased thirst, staggering

    Fiddle-leaf fig Most parts Upset stomach, skin irritation

    Florida beauty All parts Varied toxic effects

    Foxglove All parts, especially seeds Upset stomach, tremors, seizures, loss of balance, lethargy, collapse, heart failure, death

    Geranium All parts Varied toxic effects

    German Ivy All parts Varied toxic effects

    Giant Dumb Cane All parts Varied toxic effects

    Gold Dieffenbachia All parts Varied toxic effects

    Gold Dust Dracaena Bean like capsules, most other parts Excitement, staggering, coma, convulsions, death

    Heartland Philodendron All parts Varied toxic effects

    Hemlock All parts Varied toxic effects, death

    Holly berries Upset stomach, tremors, seizures loss of balance, death

    Hurricane Plant Bulbs Varied toxic effects
    Hyacinth Bulbs Varied toxic effects, death

    Hydrangea All parts Seizures, dizziness, rapid breathing

    Indian rubber plant All parts Varied toxic effects

    Iris All parts Varied toxic effects

    Jack in the pulpit All parts, especially roots Mouth irritation

    Japanese show lily All parts Varied Toxic effects, death

    Jimson weed All parts increased thirst, lethargy, coma, death

    Jonquil All parts Upset stomach, hyperactivity, depressions, coma, seizures, tremors, weakness, irregular heartbeat, death

    Lacy Tree philodendron All parts Varied toxic effects

    Lantana Unripe greenish blue or black berries Heart, lung, kidney, nervous system failure, death

    Larkspur All parts Upset stomach, excitement, depression, death
    Lily o the Valley All but ripe fruit Irregular heart rate, upset stomach, lethargy

    Madagascar Dragon tree All parts Varied toxic effects

    Marijuana All parts Varied toxic effects

    Mescal beans All parts Varied toxic effects

    Mistletoe berries Varied toxic effects

    Morning Glory Most parts Upset stomach, diarrhea, hallucinations

    Mushrooms All parts Varied toxic effects

    Narcissus Most parts Upset stomach, hyperactivity, depression, seizures, tremors, irregular heartbeat

    Nightshade All parts Digestive system failure, varied toxic effects

    Oleander All parts Upset stomach, heart failure, excitability, lethargy

    Onion All parts Upset stomach, anemia

    Oriental Lily All parts Death

    Peony roots upset stomach, tremors, seizures, staggering, loss of balance, collapse, heart failure, death

    Periwinkle Most parts Hallucinogen

    Philodendron Leaves, stems, stalks Swollen mouth, painful tongue, sore lips

    Poinsettia All parts, especially seeds Upset stomach, oral irritation, death

    Poison Ivy All parts Varied toxic effects

    Poison Oak All parts Varied toxic effects

    Potato Green growth, sprouts Varied toxic effects

    Primrose Most parts Upset stomach

    Red Emerald, Princess, Margined Dracaena All parts Varied toxic effects

    Rhubarb Leaf blade convulsions, coma, death

    Snowdrops Bulbs Varied toxic effects

    Snow on the Mountain All parts, especially seeds Varied toxic effects

    Sweet pea Seeds, pods Varied Toxic effects

    Tiger Lily All parts Death

    Tobacco All parts Varied toxic effects

    Tomato plant green growth, sprout Varied toxic effects

    Tulip Bulbs Varied toxic effects

    Virginia Creeper Most parts Varied toxic effects

    Wisteria seeds digestive system upset, diarrhea, vomiting, death
    Yew (Japanese, English, Western, American) All parts, especially foliage Vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, death

    Money will buy a pretty good dog but it won't buy the wag of his tail. - Josh Billings

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Pointsettas aren't totally poisonous....both Basil and Noel have taken a bite of one and were totally fine.

    We got one for a gift this Christmas and I had it on top of the TV....yep...they got it!

    Great list though, thanks for sharing it! We don't have any plants inside....they think they are cat food...
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  3. #3
    Gee , thanks for posting that list!! Both my cats cannot leave our plants alone ; makes me nuts sometimes ....

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