Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
Dearest Owen, you are adorable indeed! What a gorgeous guy you are, with that orange fur with white trim that looks so soft! You have the sweetest face, with those lovely big orange eyes that match your fur. My gorgeous girl Sparkler, with her soft orange fur with white trim and her sweet face with lovely big matching orange eyes, says "Hello, Meow!" Thank you for sharing those great photos with us! You are so stately and handsome in repose in the first, and in the second you're having a great time outside, safely leashed and exploring. I wish I could reach through the screen and over to Iowa to pet you, and pet your five dear siblings, too! I can't, of course, but I know your loving and beloved Meowmie will pet you all for me .

And what a delightful Purrrsonality you have! You're a young man, just two years old. You're full of energy and make dear Meowmie smile with your antics. You love playing tag with her and running around in the tall grass when she's watching over you to keep you safe. You also enjoy playing many other games with your siblings. When you're not playing, you love to cuddle. You enjoy sitting by Meowmie in her chair and sleeping right next to her every night. You love all the attention and love you get. You're an emotional support animal for her and have helped her very much. You're a very good, very smart boy, and you know when you're needed. You and Meowmie and your siblings all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Owen, on being chosen today's Cat of the Day! We hope you and your dear Meowmie and siblings and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.

Thank you everyone for your kind words! I read all these sweet messages to Owen and he is very thankful for all the kind words. Love from Owen and Paige in Iowa!!