Dearest Chloe, what an adorable, beautiful Chihuahua you are! You are such a cutie, and you have the most delightful personality to match! You are full of energy and make your dear people smile with your antics. You listen to every word that is said and do your best to understand. You get your Mom up for work each morning, dropping a toy on her head and, if that doesn't work, then sticking your wet nose in her ear. When your Pop Pop rubs your back, you look like you're smiling and really enjoying it. You and they all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Chloe, on being chosen today's Dog of the Day! We hope you and your dear Mom and Pop Pop and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.