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Thread: Random thoughts

  1. #946
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA
    What is the meaning of the word vox or voxed?
    I don't have a cell phone or a smart phone.

  2. #947
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Freckles View Post
    What is the meaning of the word vox or voxed?
    I don't have a cell phone or a smart phone.
    vox means voice

    Vox Populi - the Voice of the People, for example.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #948
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    My mother in law is coming out again. The last time she was here, just before she left she announced, "next time I come, I'll be staying for a month". Apparently, she's decided to invite herself for two weeks instead. My husband has told her at least a dozen times, maybe two dozen, I'm not eggagerating, "you are welcome to stay, only for a week" She doesn't care if she is welcome or not, she's nuts. She doesn't have dementia, she just simply could care less how we feel. I give up. She has cataracts, they are going to do some more tests while she's here on her eyes. I have told her, we will get everything she needs, just give us a list. Oh no. She wants to drive. She wants to drive all around Surrey and Langley in our truck when she gets here. Hit every dollar store and Payless and Walmart. She says that all she needs is sunglasses.......... I give up. Guess we'll just hand her the keys and let her drive around in our truck. I don't drive, I sure as hell don't need to shop every day either. She does, it just blows my mind. I can't believe it. I tried my level best, talking common sense to her and her son. What if she runs someone over, what the hell...... I need to calm down. Hopefully her flight will be cancelled or her plane will go down,en route. She is the the worst person and a TERRIBLE guest. What the hell!!!

  4. #949
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    P.s. I know this sounds ridiculous but I am open to any suggestions. Monster in law drinks like a fish too. I hope she doesn't imbibe in tha a.m. I know she drinks plenty of wine after 3 p.m. and has a few screwdrivers before bedtime. We only keep beer in the house, Shawn has had 3 drinks in the 30 years I've known him, I like beer but he simply doesn't drink, ergo, no liquor cabinate for her to partake. Mum brings her own booze and squirrels it away in her room, except for the litres of red wine she bring upstairs and spills all over the granite counters. She doesn't drink beer. Anyway, if she goes to sleep drunk, gets up early and drives...she's probably still impaired right? I don't know, I don't possess a breathalyzer and even if I did I'm pretty sure the old chick wouldn't blow. I sure as hell am not getting up as early as she does to keep an eye on her silly ass anyways. This broad clearly drives me berserk. Oh my goodness. I hate coping with this crap. Thanks for listening. It is a clusterf*ck. There is clearly no solution that I can see.

  5. #950
    Join Date
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    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Good grief, what a nightmare!
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  6. #951
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    Thanks, I know. I don't think there's much to do or say. I'm pretty sure it is just something to endure. I will continue to try and look at it from a positive angle. I have no idea what that angle might be however, but there has to be one....right? Okay, maybe not. It's a nightmare for sure. Maybe I could go stay in a monestary, say I have become a tad unhinged and need to reflect on my spiritual well being......oh never mind. Shawns not gonna buy that. It's gonna be hell for sure. I remember about 18 yrs. ago when she came out, I got so stressed out I had to go to emergency. At the time, I thought I was having a heart attack. They kept me there for 4 days, I was on intravenous dilaudid and did a lot of tests. That was the best break EVER!They never really figured out what was wrong with me. As I look back, I think it was stress. The break from her worked miracles for sure. That will never happen again, I can manage stress now. I have my big girl panties now and far more knowledge,experience and maturity. I'll just smile a lot, agree a lot and pretend my hearing is shot. I can simply ask her to vaccume or dust and she'll bolt like her hairs on fire. I also know that she hates it when I sing, if she gets too weird I'll just burst into song. There's a couple options, feeling better already.

  7. #952
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    Just one more thing if you can bear with me. When I say she bolts, I don't mean she physically leaves, she goes to her bedroom, in our home. She proceeds to watch television, talk to her imaginary freinds on the computer,who no longer allow her to visit as she has overstayed her welcome everywhere and burned all her bridges, every single one. She'll then play games on her I pad and drink as much as she can tolerate intlil she gets hungry. Then she'll come back upstairs, sit in my chair and ask what's for dinner. This just might be her last visit if she doesn't behave. Too outrageous for me anymore. I'll just have to tell her she is not welcome anymore and why. I'll do that if I have too, no one needs that crap. Sorry, freaking out, thanks again for listening.

  8. #953
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    You will be in our prayers, for patience, forbearance, and all of it!
    I've Been Frosted

  9. #954
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    Thank you so much Karen!! I'll take it. I need all the help I can get.

  10. #955
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    Some lessons stay with us for a lifetime, even if we resented learning them in the first place.
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #956
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    Alberta, Canada
    Check out a few pages of Al-Anon for support.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  12. #957
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    Thanks, might refresh my memory for sure. My Grandma was in chairwoman in Alanon for years, she has passed so I can break her anonymity, and I attended meetings with her when I was a kid, I was in Alateen and attended a few meetings of Adult children of Alcoholics, you wanna meet some damaged peeps.... Adult Chidren of Acoholics...that'd be the place to find 'em. OMG! No offence to members, just a fact. I grew up in A.A. as my Mum was a member and always dragged me to meetings when she couldn't find a babysitter. I have a lot of family members and freinds in A.A. Narcotics Anonymous, Naranon, Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous. The principles and 12 steps and traditions are the same in all of them, very helpful. Thanks again. Mum in law is in her 70's, don't imagine she'll ever change but I sure as hell can.❤️

  13. #958
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    P.s. I really want to warn any Pet Talk peeps, their family and freinds, while there are some very good and sincere peeps at these self help, 12 step groups.... there are also vultures. There are peeps who feed off vulnerable people and try to take advantage of their vulnerability. There are people who only attend these meetings for that purpose, the only reason they are there is because they are bottom feeders, so don't give out your phone number or address to anyone, male or female. Only good, sane advice.❤️👍🏿💕

  14. #959
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    Sharing experience, strength and hope, Al Anon. I always thought of Al Anon members as doormats. People who put up with drunkards and will...forever, willingly. I still do.

  15. #960
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by mon View Post
    Sharing experience, strength and hope, Al Anon. I always thought of Al Anon members as doormats. People who put up with drunkards and will...forever, willingly. I still do.
    And detach with love.

    And not stopping the drinker from experiencing the consequence of their actions.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

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