Dear Wendell, what an absolutely stunning Maine Coon boy you are. You look incredibly soft with all your fluff, and your face is as sweet as it can be.
This picture with you, "Mr. Mom", and your then little brother Brody made my day!
You have the most important job in your home, you are the keeper of the food dishes. Your dad presents you with a smorgasbord, so you can pick whatever you desire. Since you are a big softie, you let your sisters pick the flavor they like.
You might not be a lap kitty, but you make your dad pick you up when he comes home, all of your 25 pounds.
Your other specialty is converting non-cat people into cat lovers. The magic of cats!
Wendell, you are as special as they come, and I wish you, your kitty siblings and your parents a great day full of celebration, and many more happy and healthy years together.