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Thread: Cat Snot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    GTA, Ontario, Canada

    Cat Snot

    The cat has already been to the vet. Nothing can be done for her, she was born like this. Other then sneezing huge amounts of snot, the kitty is healthy and acting normal.

    Does anyone have a kitty like this, and does anyone have any tips on how to stop the snot?

    Having snot all over the house, all over us, and in our shoes, is really gross lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Digi View Post
    The cat has already been to the vet. Nothing can be done for her, she was born like this. Other then sneezing huge amounts of snot, the kitty is healthy and acting normal.

    Does anyone have a kitty like this, and does anyone have any tips on how to stop the snot?

    Having snot all over the house, all over us, and in our shoes, is really gross lol
    I'd take her to a different vet! What is causing the congestion, sure;y that would be best to figure out!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
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    Get a second opinion for sure.

    I have heard of people using Lysine for cats with snot problems.

    Also, running a hot shower with the bathroom door closed and you and kitty inside will give her a good steaming and maybe enable her to clear out more stuff...which would hopefully mean less around the house!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  4. #4
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    I rarely hear anyone use the good old word snot anymore, good to hear! I'm not an authority but it sounds like an allergy to me. That's all I got about the snot sitchy. All the very best of luck sweethearts!

  5. #5
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    Oh frick, sorry, if it it is an allergy remove the source. Like finding a needle in a bloody haystack, I know. Never say never, keep the faith. and ya, snot all over is sooooo gross. Been there, got grossed out.

  6. #6
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    I am just wondering if anyone knows if there is an antihistamine for cats? I have no clue, but if there is...... may be worth a try?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    I'd take her to a different vet! What is causing the congestion, sure;y that would be best to figure out!
    She has chronic sinus infections (I believe that's what it's called) and she doesn't respond to treatments (she's been to 2 vets already and was looked at by a shelter vet too).

    I was just hoping someone else had a really snotty cat that could possibly shed any sort of light, as snot sucks lol

    She has lived with other cats and non of them ever became sick with anything, and neither did any of her littermates. So it's not contagious.

    Other then the snot, she's a happy kitty.

  8. #8
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    If I do not take my allergy meds on a regular basis, I get sinus infections. Untreated, I am sure they would be chronic like hers are! Have you ever tried whatever the kitty equivalent of Benadryl would be? Benadryl is not strong enough for me, personally, but it might be a start!
    I've Been Frosted

  9. #9
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    My snotty cat was allergic to plastic. She didn't ingest it but we changed her bowls to glass. Metal will work as well.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mon View Post
    My snotty cat was allergic to plastic. She didn't ingest it but we changed her bowls to glass. Metal will work as well.
    Not sure what she had at the shelter, but shes has metal for several months. I heard plastic making cats sick, so I never used plastic bowls for my kitties.

    She started a new food a couple days ago (her and her owner just moved in) and I'm hoping the quality boost might make a difference in her immune system(acana). So far there is no change between recipes, so its prob not a specific food item that's causing it.

    Instead of the hot shower steam, do you think a hot humidifier would get the same results?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digi View Post
    Instead of the hot shower steam, do you think a hot humidifier would get the same results?
    Yes, as long as it is in a confined space.
    I've Been Frosted

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Yes, as long as it is in a confined space.
    Perfect, I'll try that tomorrow.

  13. #13
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    There are 2 anti-histamines that my vet has recommended I use for one of my guys. Claritin 2.5mg daily or Chlortripilon 2 mg daily. So depending on how the kitty is taking pills either of those work. Personally I prefer the Claritin b/c is it easier to split (into quarters) and does not cause my guy any problems with sleeping/hyperactivity. But it is a trial and error thing to get the right one.

    I also have a very snotty kitty and we have gone through multiple cycles of antibiotics. It might be worth your while to have a culture done on the kitty so see if they are anti-biotic resistant. (That is becoming more of a problem in shelters). But it will also tell you what (if any) antibiotics will work for her.

    I have found that Zithromax (Z-pak in humans) does wonders for snot levels. But it is only available in a human pharmacy and it is about twice the cost of the Clavamox (at least in the DC region).

  14. #14
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    I was thinking it might be the litter that she is sensitive to, not sure what you use.

  15. #15
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    Sometimes going with one of the bio-degradable litters will reduce dust and tracking significantly.


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