Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
Dearest Jake,what a sweet kitty you are! You have a great collection of photographs here. You're so cute drinking the flowing water.. sniffing over at your calico guinea pig pal (is that Marley?).. perched in the egg crate along with the eggs.. hugging your stuffie... and just generally being adorable. What pretty brown tabby fur you have, and the sweetest face with those big eyes, one green and one black to keep one eye on what's going on around you. I so much wish I could reach through the screen down to Westchester, IL to pet you! But since I can't, I know your loving and beloved family members will pet you for me .

Not only are you handsome, you have the most delightful Purrrsonality too! You picked out your Purrrmanent family right away at Petsmart, didn't you, nuzzling in daddy's arms when he picked you up. You make your family smile with your antics, looking for your toys and sometimes falling off things. Daddy is your special friend, whom you miss when he's away and you love to cuddle at night. You have two special playmates, Marley and Cheeto. You and the whole family all love each other very much, don't you! What a wonderful love-filled home you share.

Congratulations, darling Jake, on being selected today's Cat of the Day! We hope you and daddy and mommy and sister and Marley and Cheeto and all your friends and family are enjoying a fine day of celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.

is actually a cat that looks just like The calico guinea pig's name is