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Thread: It's been awhile!

  1. #1

    It's been awhile!

    Hello everyone!

    It's been awhile since I've been apart of Pet Talk. You may not recognize me, as the screenname I used beforehand was sallyandsnowx, and I also did not post much. The reason for the name change was I forgot my password... And the password to the email I used for that account (typical LOL ) Anyway, I figured I would re-introduce myself. My name is Erin and I am nineteen years old. I am a sophomore at college studying wildlife conservation and management. Since I have been on here last, a lot has changed! I have added two little friends to my family; a betta named Charlie whom I got around January as well as a dwarf hamster named Theodore. Snow, the cat, and Lucky, the guinea pig, are doing well also. Snow is just getting old, she will be turning seventeen next Decemeber . Lucky is getting big as well; he is not the little baby guinea pig I had a year ago .

    Here are some pictures of the little Theodore. He is such a sweetheart. He is very bright and playful; he LOVES to come out of his cage and run around. Funny thing though is he does not know how to use the hamster ball or the wheel in his cage LOL. Silly guy. So I usually put him in the playpen I bought for lucky so he doesn't get himself lost around the house.

    Theodore and Lucky get along perfectly too! They're just like best friends.

    And then here's a picture of Snow. She doesn't like the camera too much, can you tell?

    So that's about it. I hope everything is good with everyone else! I'm super happy about coming back to PT.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Welcome home, kiddo - and welcome to your new family members as well!

    If you want, I can merge your old account with this one, so you'll have all your old posts under this new name!
    I've Been Frosted


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