Quote Originally Posted by gini View Post
I was born and raised in Ohio. There was always a certain "smell" about summer - the rain - the heat after a rain - the trees and on and on.

The air was clear then......................
Every day I take the dog for a walk and I am still amazed - and hope it never gets old to me - at the smells here.

There is always someone cutting lawn (some lawns do have grass that have a blue shade to them) and the smell wafts over the area, even hours after they are cut.

We haven't had a good thunderstorm yet, I do love the sound and light show, but there is a definite smell before a shower.

And can't forget the winter months when a chimney smells like autumn/winter.


Right after the twisters in Oklahoma a story about the weatherperson who told people to leave town and go in a certain direction aired. It caused problems because people listened, and when the storm took a turn in that direction it put everyone in danger.....

Doris turned to me right after the story ended and said, "Maybe they should send him to do weather in California, It never changes there?"