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Thread: R.I.P Jacques

  1. #1

    R.I.P Jacques

    October 29th, 2012, we went to the vet after my most beloved little Jacques suddenly collapsed on the 28th and couldn't get up, to put him to sleep.
    For 2 months he had been on heavy medication due to an infection in the mouth, and as he was finally starting to get better and the infection was as good as gone and he could finally start to eat solid foods again, he all of a sudden just collapsed and couldn't get back up. Sat with him for 24 hours straight, holding him and singing his favourite song for him over and over the entire time and telling him over and over how much I loved him. And if I tried putting him down, just to go to the bathroom, he started crawling towards me, not wanting to be apart even for a minute, so I just couldn't bear to leave his side even for a short while. I even held him as I tried to sleep, allowing him to rest on my chest trough the night before we went to the vet first thing in the morning.
    Turns out that a heart muscle had grown unnaturally and wasn't pumping the blood around properly, which was causing him to have trouble breathing and there really was nothing that could be done about it. The choices were to put him to sleep and spare him the suffering or to stuff him full of heart pills and maybe slow down the process of the heart condition for up to 6 months, meaning he would be in constant pain and suffering, and I just couldn't for anything in the world do that for him just to keep him alive for 6 more months for selfish reasons, so the choice was pretty obvious.
    When you really love someone, you got to do what's best for them. Of course, I stayed with him, holding him till his very last breath.
    Now we have him in a beautiful urn and made a little altar for him, so that he can stay where he feels at home and feels safe. I'd never be able to do anything like go bury him in the woods or something. He should be where he really belongs.

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    [Memorial Video]

    Miss him so terrible. He was my whole world and when he was put to sleep, my entire world collapsed.
    He was the most wonderful little chinchilla one could ever ask for. He was a true mommas boy, who got upset and depressed if I was away for more than 10 hours straight, but he never bit anyone, and he was extremely intelligent. Rather than me teaching him tricks, he taught himself tricks and then showed me what he had learned and at times, even taught me a few tricks. He even figured out on his own what to do while he was out and needed to go into the cadge to pee, rather than just do it somewhere in the room, he usually came up to me and started pulling my clothes with his adorable little hands to show me he wanted to go in and pee.
    And what he loved above all else, was to sleep on my chest while I watched tv, and always complained loudly if I put him back in the cadge to go to the bathroom or something.
    And he always came before everything else. If he started "barking", his mommy was there right away to hug him and comfort him. And in return, he was really protective of his mommy, never allowing people whom he didn't like anywhere near. Then he would just "bark" to no end till they were out of the house/apartment. And he certainly knew people.
    Thanks to him, his mommy didn't hook up with a guy who later turned out to not only be a complete jerk, who was married on top of all, but also turned out to be a pedo.
    I never doubted little Jacques judgement as I knew that it was always the right thing to do. We were very close and had each others full trust.
    He might only have lived for 6 years, but it was the best 6 years of my life and I made sure that he was always as happy as he could be and spoiled rotten with love, care, treats and plenty of fun and games.
    I'll never be able to be so close to a pet ever again. Not even with Love. He's my little friend, but he can never be my beloved little baby, no matter how sweet and caring he is.
    There just is no animal in this world that could fill the void left behind by Jacques.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Rest in peace, dear little boy. You have left deep footprints on your person's heart. Visit her in her dreams, would you, and let her know you are healthy and whole at the Rainbow Bridge, where you will one day meet again.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Deep footprints doesn't even begin to describe it.
    But I do believe he's well now and doesn't suffer any more.
    And I hope our dog Fiffi is taking good care of him. The two of them always used to play together, and he was really down after she passed away 2½ years before him.

    You really find out who's a true friend trough hard times.
    One person I spoke to after he had been put to sleep thought it would be an oh-so-funny joke to say that it probably was my fault he died and that I was a terrible owner, before that person even knew what had happened that lead to him having to be put to sleep.
    That person should be really glad that the conversation wasn't face to face when saying a thing like that as a joke at a time like that.
    Hope little Jacques gave her nasty nightmares for saying things like that as a joke and thinking she was being hilarious.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Limbo View Post
    One person I spoke to after he had been put to sleep thought it would be an oh-so-funny joke to say that it probably was my fault he died and that I was a terrible owner, before that person even knew what had happened that lead to him having to be put to sleep.
    That person should be really glad that the conversation wasn't face to face when saying a thing like that as a joke at a time like that.
    Hope little Jacques gave her nasty nightmares for saying things like that as a joke and thinking she was being hilarious.
    Probably thumped her hard with those big back feet, a friend like that is no friend at all!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    People who can even bear to say something to cruel to someone who has just lost someone dear shouldn't even exist. Especially when they know just how much we did for little Jacques.
    Where most would probably pick to put a pet to sleep right away due to money issues, no matter what, we never let money come in the way for his health, even if it meant taking loans to pay off the costs that his insurance didn't. And he had such a wonderful vet who really tried his best and became extremely attached to little Jacques. He was just one of those little chinchillas that grew on people very fast.
    Even the vet cried and couldn't even bear to be in the room when we had to put him to sleep. He had another vet come in to give him the final shots.

    But that vet is really the best vet we could have possible ever hoped for. He was patient, spoke to his little patients and really earned their trust and all of that.
    He was a specialist on small and exotic animals at that, so he really knew what he was doing. So when he told us the dire news we knew very well that there was nothing left to do.
    He had literally done everything he possible could for little Jacques, up till the very end.
    And little Jacques did visit the vet quite a few times trough life.
    Guess that he had bad genetics from his parents. Bought him in a pet store, so there is no way of knowing if the parents are healthy or have a lot of genetic faults. But he was still the best chinchilla in the world. Just extremely unfortunate when it came to genetics.


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