Quote Originally Posted by Asiel View Post
Kirsten your cat seems to be overweight from the pictures and from what you say here...has your vet checked Luna for Diabetes? She could have diabetic neuropathy, her condition would then be neurological but it can be treated --that would cause the weakness in the hindlegs. Also I'm wondering if she was checked in case she has a blood clot lodged in the main artery, this would block blood supply to the hind legs and cause weakness. And I wondered if you thought of adding potassium to her diet, it helps humans and animals alike. Matter of fact I'm on extra potassium for weakness in my legs and I've seen a huge change.
Well, yes, she is overweight, and I will definetely ask my vet if she could have diabetes. However, she doesn't show any of these typical diabetes symptoms, like increased thirst and urination. As for the blood clot, I have already asked my vet (and my former vet also) about this, and they said that cats with blood clots scream loudly.

Quote Originally Posted by Catty1 View Post
Could you mix her struivite crystal food half-and-half with weight loss food? Ask your vet. I'm sure even a few ounces off would make a difference for Luna. If you can get real fish oil that's a good source of Omega-3. It really helped Oscar and Cole when the vet said they had some arthritis in their hips.

hugs and I know you'll what's best for your girl!
I put her on a calory reduced struvite crystal diet a few weeks ago, and she has already lost a little weight. Last year, I got her salmon oil since I was told omega 3 would be good for cats with arthritis, but unfortunately, she didn't like it at all. Now I've got her Gimpet multivitamin paste, which she loves.

Quote Originally Posted by emily_the_spoiled View Post
Do you have vets that will come to your house? Maybe that is an option for Luna.
We tried that once when Luna had to get an enema, but here at home, she was fighting worse than she does at the vet's office! She was screaming like a banshee which traumatized Lily as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Randi View Post
Kirsten, to me it sounds like a bit of arthritis, combined with old age, but if she still eats, drinks and can jump up in your bed, she's not that bad. Fister was more vocal in his last year and wanted to cuddle more, but his appetite wasn't that good, even his favourite treats.

I hope Luna will be with you for a long time yet, she's such a sweet and beautiful girl.

Kirsten, I was also thinking... if you put something she could jump up on, to make it easier for her, that might work. However, I did that for Fister and he didn't want to use it.
Yes, I hope she will still be with me for a while! And yes, I need to rearrange things here to make life easier for her. Yesterday, I build a barrier around the top of the cabinet because I don't want her to fall down (Lily attacked her there the day before yesterday and Luna panicked up there), and I need to come up with more solutions for her.

Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
Oh, Kirsten, we are sending along all our love and prayers and good wishes and healing energies for Luna, and for you too.

Pat and cats

Thank you very much!