Hi Luna! Happy Cat of the Day to you, sweetheart! How perfectly named you are, Luna, for you truly are ethereal, just heavenly! My husband is going to melt into a puddle of mush when he lays eyes on your beautiful, cuddly Ragdoll precious princess self! Fess up, you have that effect on guys, don't you? OK, ladies too! Yes, you truly are one very special little princess, Luna, and your family so very blessed, having a beautiful best friend for life in you, bringing so much joy and laughter and comfort to their days! And just think, your happy life has only just begun, so many happy memories yet to be made!
Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweet baby girl! I hope you're enjoying an extra special, fun filled Cat of the Day, celebrating your high honor with your proud people and pup pal!
Lots of love, cuddles and smooches to you, precious princess Luna, our very special and most deserving Cat of the Day!