Cassie has me nervous and I'm not quite sure what to do. She ate about 20 minutes ago (wet food- pate) and since then she has been walking around with her mouth open, licking her mouth, pawing at her mouth with her front paws, clicking her teeth and sticking out her tongue, and drooling. Like she has something stuck in her teeth. Now she is hiding but I can still hear her teeth clicking. I am going to wait about five more minutes and if it doesn't stop, I'm calling the vet. I don't know if she has food stuck between her teeth or what. She isn't coughing or having trouble breathing. Since Christmas I've been feeding her smaller amounts three times a day so she doesn't snarf and barf, which is working. I can tell that something is wrong, and it makes me very nervous that she is hiding. She was fine before I fed her, meowing and following me around like she usually does. I am worried.