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Thread: Cat acting differently.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Dear mon, so glad to learn you are going to keep Spicy and figure what to do so things will work out between all. Definitely have her checked out by the vet, get her tested again and also have the deafness looked into.

    All the best!

    Pat (and 6 cats)
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby1 View Post

    Yes I definitely think he is bored, he has only been in his new home for around 2 months. He is 6 years old now so it may take him a while longer to adapt. He had a cat flap before so he could come and go as he pleased so that may be an option if it is possible here; at least then he can look even if he doesn't feel like going out. With me away for large parts of the year and my mother working he probably goes a bit overboard with the meowing/need for attention when people are around; he was a bit of a hunter cat too so I will definitely get him some toys for Xmas to see if he can entertain himself!

    Thanks for the advice
    Hi Bobby1, welcome to Pet Talk!

    How are things going with your cat now? Karen and Sandie (Freedom) have some good suggestions. I agree it is best to keep him an indoor-only cat, MUCH safer for him. He's no doubt very confused because his whole world has changed so radically.

    You might leave some clothing or other material with your scent, e.g., t-shirts you've worn or blankets or sheets or pillows you've laid on, that could be put in his bedding so he has a familiar and beloved scent to relax with. And attention and love from you and your mother will always be welcome.

    The cat tree and toys suggestions are very good ideas, things to occupy his attention when no one is around. And catnip is always welcome! Perhaps a Feliway diffuser to promote a calming atmosphere too.

    Best wishes for your kitty and for you and your mom too! Please keep us posted.

    Pat (and my 6 cats)
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  3. #18
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    Deaf Sipcy

    She was sound asleep and I got 9" from her head and I clapped my hands as loud as humanly possible. She did not bat an eyelash.

  4. #19
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    It's quite sad in away, I have been talking to her for years under the delusion that she was listening.

  5. #20
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    The only reason she had to go in lockdown was because of the snow, her age, whatever that is, and the fact that there are 6 hungry raccoons in my back yard. Bad combination me thinks.

  6. #21
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    I believe some feral cat's have been abused as well by the way. I have not met every single feral cat in the whole wide world, but however, I fear that as we all know, there are some very unfortunat exceptions.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hello mon
    I dont know if you did any research but if you type in
    How to deal with a deaf feral cat.
    There is a lot of info out there this is just one site.
    The Cat Advisor: Socializing Stray, Deaf Cat

    Good Luck and I hope you can find some info on one of these sites
    to help you AND Spicy better communicate with each other

  8. #23
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    Thank-you so much, I appreciate that more than you will ever know. That never occurred to me and I am checking that out, almost at this very instant Thank-you again, peace and love

  9. #24
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    Thanks again for the support. I learned a few things, Spicy is well. Keeping her in her room, room service 5 times a day and she seems very calm and peaceful and relaxed. She purrs and sleeps and likes it when the lights are always off. Wow, can that old girl eat I clean her room when she is asleep and change her litter. She bellers at the top of her lungs however if I am late with any of her snacks and gets uptight when she coughs up a furball in her room and I don't clean it up as quickly as she would prefer. Kinda hard to see in the dark

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    That's good, Merry Christmas, Spicy and human!
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Merry Christmas mon, Spicy and the rest of your family
    Fur and Human.
    I am glad Spicy is in a nice warm house with room service.
    What a lucky girl
    Glad to here shes eating and sleeping well
    She cant hear how loud she is poor Baby.

    Would love to see pictures if you can get them without tramatizing her
    glad the info was helpful
    Last edited by maid25cats; 12-27-2012 at 08:58 PM.

  12. #27
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    Merry Christmas! That really means a lot since my meltdown! You can see Spicy's lovely self in the archives on Pet Talk if you wish, as I don't think I'll try to photograph her right now, as she may nor be in the mood Spicy was POTD on March 10, 2011. She really is a pretty girl!

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I looked up her in the archives
    she did not look happy to have here picture taken
    she is a pretty girl beautiful coloring.

  14. #29

    If your cat is stress a lot....

    At the pet shop they have some spray or something you plug in the way for cats that are stress check your pet shop like petco.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby1 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    My first post on here. My cat has been acting strangely of late, he is probably stressed/unhappy right now but not sure how to help him. I was wondering if anyone has any tips at all? He has had a lot of change lately.

    He has always been my cat really; he waits for me to get home, sleeps on my bed every night, never more than two yards away from me...
    However, I have moved to a new town and the cat has stayed with my mother. Two days after I moved out my mother moved to a new house. So the cat has effectively lost an owner and its home of 6 years.

    He was very much an outdoors cat before and bought home countless "presents" but now he literally will not leave the house. We lived in the countryside before but he still has space to play in his new home; there is a busy road near by and he may be scared of that (nearly died in a road accident a couple of years ago but doubt he would remember?).

    He is always crying for windows to be open but wont go out. He also cries for any door to be open even if it only leads to the boiler cupboard! In fact he pretty much non-stop meows now. He has always been an affectionate cat but he is now extremely needy and always wants attention. He wakes people up in the night now by jumping on them in bed and kneading on them and meowing.

    Lately he has also taken to biting things including cables and wires from laptop, TV etc. Worried he will hurt himself. I am home with him now for Xmas but will be leaving again in new year. I show him a lot of attention but don't know what else to do. Was thinking maybe toys or forcing him to go outside for a set time each day to get used to the new area (even thought of getting him a lead and taking him out !) He wont sit still for more than what seems like 20 seconds now.

    Any tips or help welcome.


  15. #30

    I know what you can do...

    Why don't you build a area where he is penned in right outside your window so then he or she can get used to be outside. Yeah just build a frame around your window and put chicken wire around it. Eventually he or she will get used to going outside. He will have protection from other cats and will get sunshine, also put up big pieces of wood so he can lay up high. And some cat scratching posts you can always shut the window when you do not want him out there. Also make him a place in there where he can hide if another cat comes and he feels threaten. And grow him some organic wheat grass in a container cause it is healthier for cats than regular grass. Google Wheat grass to see all the benefits you and your cat will get from it. Also some of the big pet shops has something for stressed out cats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby1 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    My first post on here. My cat has been acting strangely of late, he is probably stressed/unhappy right now but not sure how to help him. I was wondering if anyone has any tips at all? He has had a lot of change lately.

    He has always been my cat really; he waits for me to get home, sleeps on my bed every night, never more than two yards away from me...
    However, I have moved to a new town and the cat has stayed with my mother. Two days after I moved out my mother moved to a new house. So the cat has effectively lost an owner and its home of 6 years.

    He was very much an outdoors cat before and bought home countless "presents" but now he literally will not leave the house. We lived in the countryside before but he still has space to play in his new home; there is a busy road near by and he may be scared of that (nearly died in a road accident a couple of years ago but doubt he would remember?).

    He is always crying for windows to be open but wont go out. He also cries for any door to be open even if it only leads to the boiler cupboard! In fact he pretty much non-stop meows now. He has always been an affectionate cat but he is now extremely needy and always wants attention. He wakes people up in the night now by jumping on them in bed and kneading on them and meowing.

    Lately he has also taken to biting things including cables and wires from laptop, TV etc. Worried he will hurt himself. I am home with him now for Xmas but will be leaving again in new year. I show him a lot of attention but don't know what else to do. Was thinking maybe toys or forcing him to go outside for a set time each day to get used to the new area (even thought of getting him a lead and taking him out !) He wont sit still for more than what seems like 20 seconds now.

    Any tips or help welcome.



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