There have been two separate incidents of young teens being shot in Chicago over the past couple of days. One was a girl who was at a slumber party. She was shot several times and died at the hospital. They're saying it might have been gang-related and a case of mistaken identity. The girl was an honor student attending a charter school, and she had no known gang affiliations. Neither did the girl who was hosting the sleepover. The other was a boy who was shot on the street and was also thought to be gang-related. Both of these stories were in the newspapers and on the TV news. It is just sad. There is no easy answer to the problem of gangs and guns in Chicago. The situation doesn't improve because the gangs have a lot of power. Very sad and not likely to end any time soon. The mayor and chief of police have both said they want to do all they can to stop the violence but it needs to be approached from a lot of directions- education, jobs, housing, poverty, support for parents and families, and on and on. Very tough problem.