Quote Originally Posted by zippy-kat View Post
The Kissie monster's progressive illness is well... progressing. She's been on daily fluids for sometime now and is a much skinnier version of her old self. I'm no longer restricting her to a prescription diet; if she wants it and (the bigger hurdle) if she'll eat it, she can have it. Because of the daily fluids, the vet wanted her to have vitamins. We tried oral which she immediately threw up - at the time, we thought this was due to taste. He then decided have me try a B complex injection (into her fluids). Not only did she immediately throw up, she had a reaction and is now mostly blind. My poor vet was just as shocked as I was and said he's never ever had -or even heard of- a reaction like this. He was going to call the company and talk to them about it as well, I haven't heard anything back from him on that.

This past Tuesday (reaction happened last Thursday), I hauled her back in to have her blood pressure checked. (For peace of mind, mostly. I've heard word of a cat's retinas detaching if the blood pressure is up.) After several readings, he took the average and determined it was slightly high but it could just be from her being nervous. He went ahead and put her on a low dose of a blood pressure medicine as he said it would help pull blood into the kidneys and maybe perk her up a bit. I can't really tell a difference yet but it's only been three days. We're suppose to go back for a retest in 10-14 days. At that time, I'm going to go ahead and have BUN and Potassium rechecked (a little earlier than our normal schedule but oh well). Surprisingly, her blood work has been only slightly high during this whole ordeal (with exception to potassium, it's been normal).

It sure is hard to watch her go from being the self-assured haughty princess to timidly walking by walls, over reaching with front feet to feel what's in front of her.... especially when this change was literally overnight.

It's a new normal - a little hard to get use to- but we'll adjust.
Tonya, I'm so sorry to hear this. I guess you're referring to the vitamin B12 shots. I've given them to both my RB Starr and my Ziggy and they really helped them. I've also never heard of a cat having a bad reaction to them. I'm so sorry to hear that this caused K'Cee to go blind. It's so hard to watch our animals just age but it's even harder to watch them go downhill when they're battling an illness. I sure hope that she'll start feeling better and at least stabilize so she can spend more time with you and have a good quality of life. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. ((((HUGS))))