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Thread: Introducing Ryder to Hank

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Introducing Ryder to Hank

    So I have a question, would it be the best idea to have my parents bring Hank over to my house to meet Ryder, they'll be wanting to meet him once we bring him home that weekend. I am wondering if it's better that way for Hank, because I've mentioned in the past about how Hank can be territorial and he likes to show who's the boss around the household, etc. Let me know your inputs - I'd like opinions on this situation. As for Dozer, NO problems, because he gets along with EVERY dog - for some reason, Hank doesn't really do well. He just seems to prefer people over dogs most of the time.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It would probably be best to have them meet on neutral territory, so neither feels the need to defend his home! Is there a park near you where your folks could bring Hank, and you could bring Ryder, and have the two dogs meet there, then once everyone is settled, proceed back to your house?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
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    Cleveland, Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    It would probably be best to have them meet on neutral territory, so neither feels the need to defend his home! Is there a park near you where your folks could bring Hank, and you could bring Ryder, and have the two dogs meet there, then once everyone is settled, proceed back to your house?
    Hmm, really? Even if Ryder is 8 weeks old? Didn't think it would be a issue if he'd be that young when he will meet Hank. There is a park or two around where my parents live, but Hank has to be kept on leash otherwise he'd bolt. Wouldn't it be wise to allow him to meet Ryder while he's on leash, though? I'm just nervous about it!
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  4. #4
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    I won't let anything happen to him. It's true, I don't know how Hank will react. I know he won't be happy. He sort of became "my dog" after I moved back home from college, so he just likes having ONLY ME, no one else. Then I moved out, so Hank just has my parents now. He is now more of my dad's dog. He actually didn't like Mike at first, but he adjusted and now he does. I just don't know. Hank is just one of those dogs I don't trust around babies/young kids. So would you suggest to wait until Ryder is older, or meet on neutral grounds? It would be in December/January, so obviously it would be COLD outside.

    I'm going to admit this, just to be honest. When my brother's girlfriend brought Thor (11 month old Mastiff pup) over last weekend, Hank was fine. Zero issues for a day then the next day, Hank was next to me on the couch and Thor walked up and he started growling and wanted Thor to back off. Hank wanted ONLY me. Second time was when Hank was curled up in his favorite spot under the blanket in the corner of the living room, Thor went over to sniff and explore around the room as usual, then Hank snarled and snapped at him under the blanket and Thor backed off. Then again I was next to him too. Is he just being protective of me or something? He hates it when Thor comes up to me and just sits there. Every time he does, Hank comes running and sits next to me or on my lap in between us. Thor does NOTHING to aggravate him. So I don't understand. I just wish he'd just know it's OK to be nice to other dogs, don't be so mean.
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  5. #5
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    The best thing you can do is be as relaxed as you can be when the meet happens, and try not to worry about it too much. Ryder at 8 weeks old may try playing with Hank, which we don't know how Hank will react to, so both dogs should be on leashes, so the situation can be very controlled. But any anxiety will, or course, be noticed by the dogs, so if having a beer or glass of wine to relax YOU ahead of time will help, by all means go for it!
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    I'm not sure what the proper or best way is but this is what I did when I brought Clover home.

    Zeke can be a little aggressive but he's never shown it towards a pup so I didn't think there would be a problem. He was in the car with us when we picked her up and he just sniffed a bit from the back seat. We got home and I let him sniff her but kept an eye on them. He was actually unsure of her. Even when she jumped on him trying to play he seemed like he knew she was a baby and could get hurt so he sorta ignored her til she was a little bigger. I don't know if all dogs would react this way or if this is even the best way to do it. I never had a problem though. They get along great.

    What if you hold Ryder and let Hank sniff him so you can control it if Hank is going to have a problem? I wouldn't leave them along together or anything any time soon.

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  7. #7
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    Since they live in different homes, I would not introduce them until Ryder is older, bigger and more settled. This will be Ryder's first weekend in HIS home. You don't want him traumatized of other dogs, big dogs, or anything like that. It is much harder to undo. Your parents can come meet the newbie without Hank.

  8. #8
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    We've decided to wait on introducing the boys to each other - but he will be meeting Dozer, Buster, and Malley because they get along GREAT with each other. Hank is the only dog I am worried about so that will definitely wait until Ryder is older.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Since they live in different homes, I would not introduce them until Ryder is older, bigger and more settled. This will be Ryder's first weekend in HIS home. You don't want him traumatized of other dogs, big dogs, or anything like that. It is much harder to undo. Your parents can come meet the newbie without Hank.
    I agree with Sandie. Ryder puppy will be in a new environment, new people, new house, new everything. Let him get used to his new home first imo.

  10. #10
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    I will wait until he is at least 11-12 weeks old so he can go out and meet Hank, etc. I'd rather wait until he gets used to living with us, too.
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by CountryWolf07 View Post
    I will wait until he is at least 11-12 weeks old so he can go out and meet Hank, etc. I'd rather wait until he gets used to living with us, too.
    Sounds like a good plan!
    I've Been Frosted


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