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Thread: Lovely Leo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New York, USA

    Lovely Leo

    Leo's story pulled on my heart strings this morning. He was such a beauty inside and out. I'm happy to hear the two of you found each other and enriched each others lives for all the years you did. You both were lucky and you will be together again someday. So nice to honor Leo today

  2. #2

    Precious Leo

    Leo was such a precious buddy. I had tears in my eyes reading his story. I am so happy he had those 5 precious years with you. You cared for him and he cared for you. I am so sorry your time was cut short. He looked so beautiful.

  3. #3
    Oh Leo, you were so gorgeous! It seems you were very much loved by your humans(s). Thank goodness you were taken off the streets and given such a nice home.
    I hope being COTD makes your human smile thinking back about you!
    Forever in my heart...

  4. #4
    Leo is yet another example of why cats should live forever. Sadly, they do not. We can only make the most of the all-too-short time we have with any feline companion, learn what we can from that shared life, and then pass it on to others.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Dearest Leo, how wonderful the love and companionship you and your Purrrrrson have shared. I'm sorry you couldn't be together longer on this plane, but you are part of each other always, in each other's heart forever. Love is eternal and never dies.

    Deepest sympathy to all of you who love and grieve Leo so very much. He is healthy and whole again at the Rainbow Bridge, where he will welcome you Home.. One Fine Day.. and you will never be parted again.

    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  6. #6
    What a beautiful boy Leo is, I'm so sorry he has gone to Rainbow Bridge but I'm sure his spirit will never leave you. Although a short time, you and Leo have had a wonderful life together. Congratulations Leo for being Cat of the Day, you deserve it.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    A beautiful story

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Both of you were so lucky to find one another and he was a big beautiful guy!

  8. #8
    I too had a leukemia positive cat. You would never know he had it until he started getting sick all the time from his immune system being suppressed by the leukemia. And you're right, nobody would take him. He, too, was a stray and I thought he would be better off someplace that knew about this disease. I was wrong. I'm glad nobody would accept him b/c then I kept him and he gave me such great joy. Unfortunately, he was only with me 2 years after being diagnosed. I'm glad you had the chance to enjoy Leo for as long as you did. They are special babies. I'm glad Leo was finally brought in and given the love he deserved. Thank you for being kind enough to keep him and give him a life of love. Congrats on COTD Leo boy.

  9. #9
    I'm happy that Leo found a great home. He is a beautiful cat.

  10. #10

    For Leo

    RIP Leo, you were, and are, a very lovely soul!
    Name:  Angel.jpeg
Views: 1147
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Weston-super-Mare, England
    This story touched me so much- Leo you were a beautiful cat inside and out.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    St-Hubert, Quebec

    Lucky Leo

    First - to SadButGrateful - that photo is so special - I'm sure I'm not the only one who got tears in their eyes. Thanks for putting it up.

    Leo is so lucky to have had you to care for him. We can't forget that stray cats are the result of people of the "human" race being irresponsible and cruel. No stray cat deserves to spend their life on the street, and even worse, end up with a fatal disease. Given the numbers of cats who are NOT being sterilized for one reason for another, the number of unwanted cats who are being born and the number who are being left at shelters and rescues compared to the number being adopted - add to that the lack of donations from the public (a lot of whom are causing the problem in the first place so will obviously not give a nickel) it is really next to impossible for a shelter or rescue to take in a cat with Leukemia or FIV as they will rarely get adopted and they just don't have the money for the vet bills that are sure to follow. I have a friend who has 7 cats with FIV because they were dumped on our shelter - we average one cat with FIV adoption per year but we take in many more than that because we test our cats before adoption. Like you, if I were to take in a cat and then find out they had Leukemia I would go the distance, as I have with my cats who have had renal failure and cancer. Luckily there are many people who would do the same, but not nearly enough. Bless you for helping Leo and being his forever home - giving him the love he and all other felines deserve.
    Please have your pets sterilized as soon as possible to lower, and one day hopefully eliminate, unwanted and abandoned pets. It IS our responsibility. Adopting from a shelter also helps - encouraging breeders just adds to the overpopulation.
    Angel Beyli's Mom thanks you!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Dear Leo, you were so gorgeous and brave. Over the years I have had the pleasure of rescueing 2 kitties that were FeLV+, and they lived about as long as you did. Eventually, it takes it's toll. They were both so special and I can relate to the bond you shared with your devoted guardian and how heartbreaking it is to say goodbye. May you celebrate your COTD honour at Rainbow Bridge with the others that have gone before, and I hope my Meeshe and Muskrat tip you off to where the best catnip grows!

    Avatar courtesy of Kimlovescats . . . many thanks!
    EvErY LiFe ShOuLd HaVe NiNe CaTs

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Leo has earned his angel wings~

    Dear Leo, beautiful boy~

    I'm heartbroken, tears falling, reading your dear Mommy's heart wrenching tribute to her beautiful boy, her Cat of a Lifetime, her furry soul mate. I just lost my own beloved Oliver a weeks ago, and the pain of losing him, and so suddenly (as you were taken), still overwhelms me. And apart from your fur color (he was grey), you and he could be twins, not only in looks (your soft and silky "hair like" coat, your flowing mane), but more importantly in your purely precious and beautiful spirits, your ability to love everyone and everything, completely and unconditionally. And I'm not surprised to hear of your adoring fan club, Leo. Kids especially are keen to sense the goodness and kindness in others, human and 4 legged, and in you they knew they had found a friend.

    And I understand your Mommy being tempted to dwell on those 18 months. I don't think there is a fur parent alive who doesn't think..."If only," or "I wish I had..." But I hope she won't, for no kitty was ever more loved, more cherished than you, Leo; not in those transitional 18 mos., nor the happy, love filled 5 years that followed. As she says, you gave each other the best you had to give, and no living creature, human or 4 legged, can ask for more than that. I only wish your time together had been longer. Please send down extra big helpings of love to your Mommy, Leo, to comfort her until that wonderful, joyful day when you and she are together again. Until then, I know my Oiver, and all of our beloved fur angels, will be watching over you.

    To Leo's Mommy...Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your beautiful best friend with us. He was truly one in a million, a Cat of a Lifetime, and it has hbeen an honor to have had the chance to pay tribute to him, and to the very special bond of love you shared.

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    " He is always in my heart." What a wonderful way to hold your dear Leo close.....Sleep softly, sweet Orangeman Leo.....
    Nine is Fine!!


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