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Thread: Gun control discussion

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    A glock? It's just another semi-auto pistol, no different than a Ruger or Smith and Wesson.

    Assault rifle or machine gun? For starters, machine guns are already HEAVILY regulated. Assault rifle? could be anything made to look like a military style rifle, form a bb gun on up. Frankly, I could cause more damage with my single shot post civil war rifle than most could with an "assault rifle".

    6000 rounds of ammo? When I used to target shoot all the time, that was a couple of months of ammo for me. Are we going to start regulating how much ammo someone buys? Okay, fine, I'll buy reloading supplies and a bunch of pig lead.

    Point being, no matter how you regulate, all it does is make it a PITA for law abiding citizens. For every law you come up with, I can find a loophole to exploit. Enforce the laws we have, include psych history in background checks, (would take a HIPPA modification) and let it rest. You cannot have a free society if you regulate to eliminate the actions of the wild points.
    Pardon my ignorance of the "proper" name for the weapons I was referring to, but I do believe most people here understand my meaning.
    Anything bigger than a 22 pistol (is that correct???), is overkill. JMHO of course.
    And of course since this thread has the potential to get hot, I'm done, since I've stated my opinion and it makes no sense at all for me to beat a dead horse.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Westchester Cty, NY
    Unfortunately, the laws (for any criminal act) do account for "outliers" since this is the portion of the population that commits crimes.
    I agree about the mental health issues; only when these get the attention hear disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. do will progress be made.

    In terms of gun control per se: I'm in the "enforce the laws we've got" camp. Most firearm owners are responsible individuals. I like to compare it to having a car and driver's license. Many accidents and fatalities are caused by irresponsible driving behavior, or even unlicensed drivers. For the most part (it isn't perfect) motor vehicle codes work fairly well. If gun laws worked as well maybe we'd have some progress on gun crimes.
    I've been finally defrosted by cassiesmom!
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