Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom View Post
Cassie LOVES to be combed. She tolerates claw clipping-- she was front paw declawed when I brought her home, so we only have to do her back paws. She doesn't run kitty sprints very often anymore-- I used to find bits of her claws in the rug when she did them more frequently. I have never been able to touch her ears. I'd like to get one of those mitten things that looks a little like a pot holder- you can pet and brush at the same time. I think she'd like that.
Save your money. I've got two of those. One's a glove with tiny knobs. It feels good to kitties, but doesn't do much for the hair and shedding.

The other has small plastic spikes that give the impression that grooming takes place. Some does and the cats might actually enjoy it. Not near as effective as a traditional brush or a defurr-minator.

And my kitties are DSH's. I believe Cassie has longer hair? You can get the glove, but don't hold high expectations for defurring. Cassie still might enjoy it.