Originally posted by mugsy
EVERY dog is worthy of whatever it is. I, however, don't believe at this time, ANY dog should be bred, for ANY reason when there are thousands of unwanted animals. And, I believe that mutts are the best dogs out there anyway since they do not have the genetic defects that many "pure" breeds have since the defects are recessive genes, so are not passed on with a mixed breed. Also, mixed breeds are most often much prettier.
I love mutts too, but I also love purebreds. I'm sorry, but I'm glad we have dog breeds and people who continue to preserve the breeds. There is a need for RESPONSIBLE breeders to continue to keep the many dog breeds around. If there were not such a variety in dog breeds, there would not be much of a variety in mutts either. Just think...picture a chihuahua and then a great dane...that variety in a species did not happen on its own. I think its amazing to see some of the breeds, such as sighthounds, and know they have looked like this for so many years...its like looking into the past.

BUT, if you read my post above, I'm aware that there are way too many homeless dogs and way to many irresponsible people breeding them....