All I know (from trying things out myself and going through the same issues you did) was that if you are allowing cookies, then you also either need to specifically allow or generally allow "3rd party cookies" (3rd party cookies are those that come from a site other than the site you are visiting).

Here's the FAQ page from the website, it addresses the issue you have, but mainly says what I've already said (but maybe in a different way that will be more clear):

If none of this works for you, then don't sweat it, I really appreciate simply the effort. I know other people have had similar problems, and I think the company administering the website should have made things more straightforward.

If I come across a simpler fix, I'll post it here.

Thanks again!

EDIT: If the cookies are set correctly, you should receive the following text (within the green box) after you vote:
Thank you

You must validate your email address before your votes will count. Please check your email for the validation message. Contact [email protected] if validation does not occur within two hours.