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Thread: Clomicalm?

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by mbr64 View Post
    The sitter will dose her (she works at the vet clinic). Are your cats all males that are on the clomicalm?
    Three males and one female.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Three males and one female.
    Ah, all of them are on clomicalm?

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by mbr64 View Post
    Ah, all of them are on clomicalm?
    Yep. One other female who isn't on it. She's my good girl. LOL

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  4. #19
    Hi Mary,

    Well, the Zoloft tab 1x/day is working pretty good for the last month or so. No side effects, she's relatively calm, uses the box. Fingers crossed moving forward, but looks good!


  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by mbr64 View Post
    Hi Mary,

    Well, the Zoloft tab 1x/day is working pretty good for the last month or so. No side effects, she's relatively calm, uses the box. Fingers crossed moving forward, but looks good!

    Hey, great news!

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  6. #21
    Hi Mary,
    I have two cats (two male & female burmese, love them to death) for over 4 years, they been really good since the first day I bought them into the house.

    About 3 weeks ago, neighbor two dogs came right to my glass sliding door (few times actually), might have to scared the cats. They strated to spraying all over the places (microwave, kitchen bench, curtain, wall..etc)

    I got very angry with cats at first, but after reading & research from the internet, it seems a stress or anxiety symptoms.

    Took them to the vet to get them checked to make sure is not health related & the vet given Clomicalm, they started ther treadment last night, and make them sleep (they make me upset to see them like that).

    I just hope the medication will help them calm and stop the spray, I WANT MY CATS BACK!

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    If they are still seeming sleepy tomorrow, call the vet and ask about lowering the dose. Different kitties metabolize drugs differently, and it's basically a trial and error and adjust sort of thing.
    I've Been Frosted

  8. #23
    You may have to play w/the dosage for a while until you get it adjusted. Also, I give it to my Fur Posse only at night. They don't get drowsy; they just chill out. I hear them playing during the night, etc. They get 1/4 of a 20 mg. tablet and that does the trick. It sometimes takes a while for it to begin working but it worked immediately for my cats. Check the dosage and if it's higher than 5 mg., talk to your vet about lowering the dosage. It's been a godsend for me. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  9. #24
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I was unsuccessful pilling my cats. I went with something different, and have had HUGE success with it.

    Background- nine indoor only cats.Life was harmonious. I added Molly, an adult stray, and all heck broke loose. The introduction was slow, I do not believe that was the cause. Contemporaneously with the addition of Molly was the fostering in my garage of two cats that I don't believe were box trained. My garage reeked!! So, I think it was a combo of too many cats for my household and some marking against the cats in the garage.

    After ruling out health issues, and cleaning up daily pee- everywhere...and I mean everywhere...I was told about nurtureCALM 24/7 collars. They are a sustained release of Pheromones, with the understanding they will modify certain behaviours (separation anxiety, marking, destructive behaviour and aggression). LOL, I had 3 out of 4 behaviours in three out of ten cats.

    I bought the collars for three cats, put them on them (which isn't easy...), and noticed a difference within HOURS. HOURS. One cat panicked with the collar and got it stuck in her jaw- which freaked me out. I got it released, and she was fine. The other panicked and scritchy scratched for a few days, and now ignores it. The last one? Not sure she even knows she has it on her, LOL.

    That was on Feb 3 or Feb 4th. Fast forward to Feb 23rd...I started to notice pee, again. UGH! So, yesterday, I went and bought three more collars, and put them on them again last night, the 25th. This time, the only one of them freaked out (cause you have to restrain him to put the collar on...), and again, it SEEMS like we are golden again.

    I haven't found any pee since I put them on the cats again, and none of the aggression or stalking that I had been seeing before collars.

    I bought the first three for $18/each. I bought these second sets for $14/each. I want to try to replicate the collars with soft breakaway collars, and am exploring Catty's and I think Moosmom's idea of spraying Feliway on to the soft collars.

    I am not against medication, at all. But, for me, medicating three cats was simply impossible to do. I have medicated cats before...many times, and my RB Tex was on thyroid meds for 6 years. Twice a day, no problem. Some cats are stinkers. Some cats pill easily.

    I encourage you to look into the collars.

    Good luck!

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    I was unsuccessful pilling my cats. I went with something different, and have had HUGE success with it.

    Background- nine indoor only cats.Life was harmonious. I added Molly, an adult stray, and all heck broke loose. The introduction was slow, I do not believe that was the cause. Contemporaneously with the addition of Molly was the fostering in my garage of two cats that I don't believe were box trained. My garage reeked!! So, I think it was a combo of too many cats for my household and some marking against the cats in the garage.

    After ruling out health issues, and cleaning up daily pee- everywhere...and I mean everywhere...I was told about nurtureCALM 24/7 collars. They are a sustained release of Pheromones, with the understanding they will modify certain behaviours (separation anxiety, marking, destructive behaviour and aggression). LOL, I had 3 out of 4 behaviours in three out of ten cats.

    I bought the collars for three cats, put them on them (which isn't easy...), and noticed a difference within HOURS. HOURS. One cat panicked with the collar and got it stuck in her jaw- which freaked me out. I got it released, and she was fine. The other panicked and scritchy scratched for a few days, and now ignores it. The last one? Not sure she even knows she has it on her, LOL.

    That was on Feb 3 or Feb 4th. Fast forward to Feb 23rd...I started to notice pee, again. UGH! So, yesterday, I went and bought three more collars, and put them on them again last night, the 25th. This time, the only one of them freaked out (cause you have to restrain him to put the collar on...), and again, it SEEMS like we are golden again.

    I haven't found any pee since I put them on the cats again, and none of the aggression or stalking that I had been seeing before collars.

    I bought the first three for $18/each. I bought these second sets for $14/each. I want to try to replicate the collars with soft breakaway collars, and am exploring Catty's and I think Moosmom's idea of spraying Feliway on to the soft collars.

    I am not against medication, at all. But, for me, medicating three cats was simply impossible to do. I have medicated cats before...many times, and my RB Tex was on thyroid meds for 6 years. Twice a day, no problem. Some cats are stinkers. Some cats pill easily.

    I encourage you to look into the collars.

    Good luck!
    This is good to know. My cats are easy to pill, no problem whatsoever, except I have to catch Yodie first. She's liked greased lightning when she runs. However, this collar would be great when I go on vacation b/c I wouldn't have to worry about my cat sitter pilling them. I'm going to look into this.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA

    Collars still working...

    AND, I did some re-thinking. My pee issues were multi faceted. Stress was a factor, marking for territorial control was, too. I also noticed some secret stalking like behaviour in which one cat, Ari, would lay across a threshhold blocking two litterboxes in two separate rooms. Score points for ingenuity, lose points for sucessful pee blocking tactics. I now have one box more on this main level, and I think I outsmarted Ari. I *think*!!
    I havent found pee but a couple times in the last 30 days and none in the last week.

  12. #27
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA

    Reporting back....

    Well, the pee issues haven't gone away completely, though they HAVE decreased. As I mentioned earlier, my pee issues are multi-faceted. It isn't JUST spraying for territorial reasons, there are aggression issues and timidness/insecurity issues (though those all have a common factor).

    So, I am still doing the collars (though they seem to wear off at about three weeks in, which is when I noticed pee again), but I have added kitty prozac. Thanks to Medusa for being so patient with the explanations.

    I couldn't pill them originally. I wanted two to be on it, Molly as she is the main pee'r, and the timid one that gets attacked, and Sonic, the territorial sprayer and one of the aggressors. I left Ari out of it, hoping the other two's behaviours would affect hers.

    I found pill pockets for cats and cannot believe how simple that is! Two treats, two pills, I feed Molly separately, anyhow, and just put hers down on a plate, close the door, and come back five minutes later with her wet food, and she has already eaten the pill pocket. Sonic gobbles his up, and then gets his food five seconds later, as he is a very foody cat.

    As for personality changes, I have noticed a calmer house. I have ten cats, and the stress of the three was resulting in fights all over, pee, tension, growling (even amongst those not directly involved). I thought I noticed some extra sleepyness with Sonic, and I still can't say it isn't true....but he is so much calmer. Sonic is what I would call an ADHD cat, he needs love and attention all the time, and he is hard to settle down. The last two days, he has seemed less anxious, not so much on 'high alert'.

    Molly hasn't seemed more sleepy, but she IS more bold/brave, and I swear, that is giving off the appropriate messages to the two aggressors- Sonic and Ari. She, too, seems less on edge.

    I don't know. I hate to be too hopeful, but each day is a new day....and these last few days with prozac have been nice.

  13. #28
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Reporting in another few days later. I have found possibly one fresh pee spot, in the basement (can't swear it is might be, though) and one poop on the rug upstairs- in Molly's place. I know that is fresh. BUT, this is really positive news, considering what I have experienced.

    The behaviours are still different! Molly is a crazy girl, running after other cats, being chased by other cats- but in a GOOD way! She has ventured into the bedroom (previously off limits because of her choosing), and really seems more outgoing.I have seen her use the litterbox several times, and she ALWAYS uses the box when I confine her into a room, with me in there. I try to do that several times a day to make sure she is going.

    Ari- seems to be back to her 'leave me alone, I am a people cat, not a cat's cat' ways.

    Sonic- I still notice some anxiety with Sonic, a stalking like pose, and maybe some more sleepiness. It would be his fresh pee mark in the basement, most likely. But, I am still holding on hope that in a few weeks, when everyone has adjusted, he will be ok. And, maybe I need to up his amount, dunno.

    The knock down drag out fights are non-existent this last week. That is great.

  14. #29
    That does sound like positive progress, Johanna. I imagine in a few weeks everything will have been ironed out and you'll have total peace and contentment in your household.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  15. #30
    Hi Cataholic,

    Last night I read through this thread and really felt for what you have been trying to do for your cats. How wonderful that they have you...not everyone would be committed enough to keep "at it" until the right solution for feline peace can be found!

    So happy to read the positive progress you are seeing!

    Until next time...Annie Helping Families & Felines Communicate...One Meow At A Time!

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