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Thread: Some Boss Hating Links

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Litter Box, Greenville, SC

    Some Boss Hating Links

    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    trenton, new jersey
    I have a great supervisor. She scored a 93% on the first link. The job we do is extremely specialized and at times can seem pretty complicated. Right now I'm reviewing our policy manual to make sure everything is accurate and up to date. It involves a lot of legal research. When I first got the assignment, we sat down and discussed how it would be done. She agreed with my approach and so far is very satisfied with the result. She's fair and always open to other ideas. Whenever there's a question or a problem, she's right there to help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    My boss scored a 17.
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by momcat View Post
    I have a great supervisor. She scored a 93% on the first link. The job we do is extremely specialized and at times can seem pretty complicated. Right now I'm reviewing our policy manual to make sure everything is accurate and up to date. It involves a lot of legal research. When I first got the assignment, we sat down and discussed how it would be done. She agreed with my approach and so far is very satisfied with the result. She's fair and always open to other ideas. Whenever there's a question or a problem, she's right there to help.
    I envy you right now I've had good bosses in the past. Perhaps the future holds more.
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    trenton, new jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by mrspunkysmom View Post
    I envy you right now I've had good bosses in the past. Perhaps the future holds more.
    Unfortunately, those of us in the workforce have had to work under some nasty losers. A few years back I had the supervisor from hell. No matter what I turned in, she'd send it back several times for different things, constantly told me how bad my work was, how difficult I was to work with, and how dissatisfied our Assistant Director was with my work. Well, several times the Assistant Director would ask me to do something directly for her, skip over the supervisor and bring the completed assignment directly to her. They were all consistently signed off and out the same day, if they came back at all it was for a typo or minor edit. Supervisor would get really mad when that happened and I finally told her if she didn't like it take it up with the Assistant Director. She (supervisor) made several offensive and insulting comments to me about things that had nothing to do with work, once about my religious beliefs. After a few years with this one, the unit was disbanded and I was reassigned to another supervisor who often said I was his Ace Worker. I never had the problems with any supervisor, before or since, that I had with her.

    Nobody should have to go through the things you are right now. I don't doubt for a moment that you're good at what you do. There is a fantastic boss out there just waiting for you to come along. Please know you have my complete support. Don't hesitate to pm me if there's anything I can do to help you get through.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    I am no longer working, but I did the "rate your boss" on the boss I had when I retired. She got a 60. Every one of the questions should have had a "it depends on the bosses mood" since that would have been my answer for each one! That's how she was - seems her policies changed on a daily basis - what was right today, would be wrong tomorrow. No one could win for lose with her, and I really felt sorry for other people in the department, since I was actually her favorite, and if I could have gladly strangled her on a daily basis, I can only imagine how some of the others felt and were treated - the ones who sat back and took it and didn't tell me what they were going thru.

    I feel bad for anyone that has to put up with such crap. I feel your pain and frustration.

    I DO NOT miss working - not one single bit!!!
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  7. #7

    One man's ceiling is another man's floor...

    I am a boss. And I have a boss. Who has a boss.

    I have had good bosses and great bosses and crappy bosses.

    I have had great employees, good employees and crappy employees.

    Do you know how difficult it can be to get rid of crappy employees? Without being sued? Or shot?

    But I cannot imagine Employee Hating Links...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Ramon,CA
    I feel for your struggles but I agree with ES. I'm a boss and I have a boss I love. I think it's a bit cliche that the term 'boss" is related to mostly negative emotions. I've had crappy bosses. I've had crappy employee's. I've had crappy customers. I've had crappy relatives. It's life.
    I hope you get your issues sorted and you can go onto a more peaceful work environment. Sucks hating your job. I am grateful for mine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    I am a boss. And I have a boss. Who has a boss.

    I have had good bosses and great bosses and crappy bosses.

    I have had great employees, good employees and crappy employees.

    Do you know how difficult it can be to get rid of crappy employees? Without being sued? Or shot?

    But I cannot imagine Employee Hating Links...
    Well, I've met some bosses that would probably love some employee hating links,

    I'm just venting, ES. I've held my tongue for more than 3 years. I've trod the high road and put up with far too much.

    And I thank you for your little prose. I like it.

    I've never had employees except for household help, but I have had lots of students. And bosses. And I usually get along well with my bosses.

    I have students. I've been a student. I've had great students, good students, lazy students, mean students. I try to like all of my students and usually do. Occasionally there is one you would rather not meet again, but that is usually due to the parents somewhere in there. Some of my teachers have liked me and I'm sure some did not. Particularly when I expected them to do their job and know their material.

    In SC it is NOT difficult at all to get rid of crappy employees or good employees. And you can't sue your employer unless it is physical damage. As for being shot, that is a sad state of our society. I think a lot of it happens because we don't listen to one another and with compassion but instead deride one another. That doesn't excuse it. And I'll never understand it.

    I belong to a profession that is supposed to help people and yet those in charge do just the opposite.
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by kitten645 View Post
    I feel for your struggles but I agree with ES. I'm a boss and I have a boss I love. I think it's a bit cliche that the term 'boss" is related to mostly negative emotions. I've had crappy bosses. I've had crappy employee's. I've had crappy customers. I've had crappy relatives. It's life.
    I hope you get your issues sorted and you can go onto a more peaceful work environment. Sucks hating your job. I am grateful for mine.
    Thanks. Yeah, it's life, but I'm sort of stuck in this rut. I have a contract. However, the economy has forced districts to try to lose experienced teachers. I have 4 years left until I can retire so I have to work. Because of SC law, I can't negotiate a lower salary so I'm stuck with this.

    I've never been a teacher that worked only from 8 - 3:30. I put in hours after school. And I try to make it interesting. But you would think that the powers that be could respect that and let me retire with grace. But because they can hire two people with my salary, my bosses feel the need to destroy my career and me with it.

    Thanks for listening and caring.
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  11. Quote Originally Posted by mrspunkysmom View Post
    Well, I've met some bosses that would probably love some employee hating links,

    In SC it is NOT difficult at all to get rid of crappy employees or good employees. And you can't sue your employer unless it is physical damage. As for being shot, that is a sad state of our society. I think a lot of it happens because we don't listen to one another and with compassion but instead deride one another. That doesn't excuse it. And I'll never understand it.

    I belong to a profession that is supposed to help people and yet those in charge do just the opposite.
    Unless South Carolina has seceded from the United States again - of course you can sue your employer. All the federal laws apply plus South Carolina has its own anti-discrmination laws. I am not advocating you initiate a lawsuit!

    I am only suggesting that "bosses" are also employees and people. Why is it okay to deride bosses? I just don't buy in to "all bosses are bad" "all employees are lazy" or any "all" stuff.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I agree, it is not okay to imply all bosses are bad! Just as not all employes are good! I have had all kinds of bosses, none of them truly evil, or anything. Some odd, or not good at dealing with human beings, but no evil ones!
    I've Been Frosted

  13. #13
    I don't hate my boss.

    Hatred implies respect, and I have none for the alcoholic, insecure, bipolar idiot.

    I could take my supervisors in the postal service and write a book on how not to run a company using them as examples.

    I have worked for good supervisors. It's just been a long, long time.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    I don't hate my boss.

    Hatred implies respect, and I have none for the alcoholic, insecure, bipolar idiot.

    I could take my supervisors in the postal service and write a book on how not to run a company using them as examples.

    I have worked for good supervisors. It's just been a long, long time.
    You know I never looked at it that way, LH. Thanks. I certainly have no respect for him. In fact, he has labored to insure that I do not respect him.

    I, too, have worked for great bosses and mediocre bosses and some bad bosses. I've never worked for one I didn't trust and felt that whatever I did would not be acceptable. I have never met anyone that worked so hard to put someone down to the point that that lies were told in order to make me look bad.

    Please, remember that I am working through some stuff here and hoped that the Dog house would be a safe forum to vent without being ridiculed.

    Apparently this is not the forum to air one's grievances without recrimination, so with that I withdraw from the conversation.
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by mrspunkysmom View Post
    Please, remember that I am working through some stuff here and hoped that the Dog house would be a safe forum to vent without being ridiculed.

    Apparently this is not the forum to air one's grievances without recrimination, so with that I withdraw from the conversation.
    I don't think anyone was ridiculing you, just disagreeing, or pointing out differences! You don't need to withdraw from the discussion!
    I've Been Frosted


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