Thread: Politics and religion.

  1. #3496
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    If you look back in recent history, every sitting President who was up for reelection used the State of the Union for that purpose. This is nothing new.
    I've Been Frosted

  2. #3497
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    If you look back in recent history, every sitting President who was up for reelection used the State of the Union for that purpose. This is nothing new.

    Yes,..........." it was ever thus" besides I'm a glass half full sort of person, or I try to be. We already know the bad stuff
    I want to hear about the future, perferably the good stuff.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  3. #3498
    Join Date
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    Alaska: Where the odds are good, but the goods are odd.
    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom View Post
    "America is back" -- Pres. Obama

    Really? Sure doesn't feel like it to me. I've seen my property value almost double and then return to exactly where it was when I bought it. Everything costs more, gasoline, milk, my health insurance. And I'm getting less. I'm paying the same price for ice cream and getting 1 1/2 quarts instead of half a gallon. Lots of people are still unemployed. Lots of people can't get the health care they need. America will be back when people are working and the economy is robust again.

    Also -- I don't think it is right that in an election year the current President uses the State of the Union address as a campaign speech. That is not the purpose of the address.

    Thanks for letting me rant!
    100% agree also. The current administration doesn't get it. They have no plan -- except to recycle ideas that have failed before. All my Hope for Change has disappeared. My faith is gone also.

    It occured to me during the last election -- Is this the best we've got? I couldn't get excited about any of the candidates last time, and I'm feeling the same way these days.
    Ask your vet about microchipping. ~ It could have saved Kuhio's life.

  4. #3499
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I merged the State of the Union thread into this one, as of course, it's all Politics!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #3500
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    OK, I admit I don't know much about US politics, but my impression of B. Obama is very positive - the American people who live here also seem to prefer him. It seems a lot of you don't like him. Do you think another president would have done better? In the light of the financial crisis (which is not B. Obama's fault, and that is an entirely different discussion), I think the outcome could have been far worse. At least B. Obama is trying to do something for the less wealthy people and he withdrew the troops from Iraq.

    Can you imagine what would have happened if any of these other ignorant candidates had made it into politics! I think you got a good deal with B. Obama. If only we were so lucky here!

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  6. #3501
    It was former Pres. Bush who set up the troop withdrawal timeline for Iraq, not the current President.

    Frankly the last three US Presidential elections could have been handily won by "none of the above".
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  7. And yet....

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    It was former Pres. Bush who set up the troop withdrawal timeline for Iraq, not the current President.
    President Obama has been severely criticized by "leading Republicans" for following the troop withdrawal timeline established by President Bush. His critics have included Romney, Cain, Perry, McCain, Bachmann (who called it a complete failure...)

    Perhaps why somepeople feel if Presient Obama found a cure for cancer he would still be criticized....

  8. #3503
    Join Date
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    Illinois, USA
    I think it was Malcolm Gladwell in "Blink" who wrote that although Herbert Hoover had the appearance and bearing of a President, that after he was elected he had a lot of struggles.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  9. #3504
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    President Obama has been severely criticized by "leading Republicans" for following the troop withdrawal timeline established by President Bush. His critics have included Romney, Cain, Perry, McCain, Bachmann (who called it a complete failure...)

    Perhaps why some people feel if President Obama found a cure for cancer he would still be criticized....

    The first problem with that statement is referring to McCain, Perry, et. al. as leading Republicans. The only way they can comprehend leadership is with a dictionary (which leaves Dan Quayle out of the running.... )

    I had issues with the timeline. I still have issues with any military leader publishing a timeline for action for strategic reasons.

    That having been said, however, when the country you're assisting gives you a date and says be out by then, you move. Only time will tell whether it really worked, it's far to soon to pass judgement, but somehow I doubt you've seen the last of the insurgents in Iraq.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  10. #3505
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    It was former Pres. Bush who set up the troop withdrawal timeline for Iraq, not the current President.

    Frankly the last three US Presidential elections could have been handily won by "none of the above".
    I think I would like to see his birth certificate, first.
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  11. #3506
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    And who shook Nutsy Pelosi's tree?

    What does she know about the "Neutster" that we all don't.

    I wonder what it feels like to put a high heel in your mouth?

  12. Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    That having been said, however, when the country you're assisting gives you a date and says be out by then, you move. Only time will tell whether it really worked, it's far to soon to pass judgement, but somehow I doubt you've seen the last of the insurgents in Iraq.
    Getting rid of the insurgents! Oh so THAT'S why we were there...(It has always seemed as bit confusing. WMD...regime change...bogey man...insurgents)

    Even scorched earth and the elimination of every person living in that country would not put an end to "insurgents." Sadly.

  13. #3508
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I'm really ticked off about the 'blood for oil' deal.

  14. #3509
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    Getting rid of the insurgents! Oh so THAT'S why we were there...(It has always seemed as bit confusing. WMD...regime change...bogey man...insurgents)

    Even scorched earth and the elimination of every person living in that country would not put an end to "insurgents." Sadly.
    The initial reason we were there had nothing to do with insurgents, unless you count the Bath party as insurgents. After all, when you invade, you ARE the insurgents.

    However, the resulting 3 hour tour of Iraq came under the heading of we broke it, we fix it.

    The reason we've still had troops in the country since the invasion was an attempt to stabilize an inherently unstable political construct. Since that we've seen multiple rewrites of the SASO (stability and support operations) manual, changing acronyms (which unless you've been part of a staff you have no idea what a semi-humorous PITA that is) changing TTPs, (tactics, techniques and procedures), ad nauseum.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  15. The initial reason we were there had nothing to do with nothing and certainly nothing to do with the US.

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