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Thread: I need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Detroit, Michigan

    I need advice

    Hello Everyone
    I have always had kittys and lived in townhouses or apts so never had a chance to have a dog. But now I bought my own house and I would love to have a dog but I work in the medical field and work long hours some days but usually only 8 hours a day. I keep hearing its abuse to have a dog and be away for 8 hours and nobody be home with him or her. What is your opinion on this?
    Snickers MY LOVE 8-1-2002
    Lucille 7-1-2003 10-10-10 RIP my love
    My Momma loved both of my babies and MAY YOU RIP I MISS YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING 1-16-1963 7-12-2010

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I would wait a few weeks, and get settled in, and then reevaluate. I would NOT get a puppy at this stage, but you may be able to adopt an older dog who would be happy to be in a home and okay with you being away 8 hours a day ... and glad to see you when you get home!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    It will also depend on the breed and dog size.

    Bichons (since I know about them) have small bladders. They must go every 4 hours. Plus, the breed is a companion animal; they'd go crazy and be quite depressed left alone that long.

    Figure you work 8 hours, but have to commute back and forth; will have errands to do (groceries at a minimum). And you will sleep 7 hours or more each night. Not a lot of time left is there? Add in that you will spend time with friends, go out to eat, and that leaves even less time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    North Carolina, USA
    Dogs and cats are a commitment. IMO dogs require more time and attention; I have both. I am always aware of when I need to take LilGirl out for a bathroom walk (Annie is an outside dog) plus most dogs (the ones I've known) like/need to have a human near. I'm sure there are people who work and have dogs but I also think it's hard on the dog to be alone all day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I work full time...and I have four dogs. I usually work a 7 hr shift but sometimes I end up later its not uncommon for me to work an 8 hr day. Much longer than that would be pushing it though especially for a small dog they generally can't hold it as long. I do feel bad but well I love my dogs like they are my kids and I don't have the luxury of being able to stay home so I don't have a choice. I think they'd still be happier with me even though I work 5 days week then with somebody else. They don't seem to mind at all, and on the days I have off they pretty much just sleep all day. I definitely wouldn't get a puppy, my three huskies I had as pups but my job is a pet groomer so I took them to work with me a lot (every day when they were really young) so they wouldn't have to hold it that long. Not many jobs would let you do that.

  6. #6
    I think a lot of people work full time jobs and have a dog. I agree about not getting a pup if you're not able to be there with it but I'm sure an older dog would love a good home. Especially if it's being rescued from a shelter.

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  7. #7
    I work and I have dogs. I think they're happy. I would think an older dog might be a better choice. There are plenty of them that need homes.
    Forever in my heart...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Detroit, Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by Sowa View Post
    I think a lot of people work full time jobs and have a dog. I agree about not getting a pup if you're not able to be there with it but I'm sure an older dog would love a good home. Especially if it's being rescued from a shelter.
    I think you guys are all right if i EVER do get a dog it would be an adult . I cant go to the shelters and look I cry everytime, I am not home enough to have a dog yet I am almost done with school so I will have much more time free than
    Snickers MY LOVE 8-1-2002
    Lucille 7-1-2003 10-10-10 RIP my love
    My Momma loved both of my babies and MAY YOU RIP I MISS YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING 1-16-1963 7-12-2010

  9. #9
    First off, welcome. It is not abuse to leave a dog home for 8 hours IMO. People have to work to make a living. I would NOT get a puppy though, it wouldn't be right to just leave a pup in a crate for 8 hrs. I'd go w/ a more older dog that are set in their ways and a less energetic breed like a greyhound or something. But, it would be nice to have someone home w/ them or you can hire a dog sitter if you are worried about leaving them so long.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I don't think any dog likes to be home alone all day. Maybe you could wait a couple of months, settle in and by then you could maybe find a dog walker who could come in and take the dog for a play session or walk, let it relieve itself and make sure it has water. I wouldn't get a pup though, they need to go out often, need companionship and interaction if it's going to develop into a socialized ,well behaved dog.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I don't think it's abuse, but I don't think it ever entirely fair.

    First off, I am not saying I wouldn't do it. I work part-time right now, go to college classes and I have a very active dog. I live with my parents and my mom doesn't work so she is home with him most of the time. My dad is only home on weekends and nights, he works full-time. But anyway, someone is USUALLY home with Mikey. But sometimes not, he is young and he can hold his bladder very very well. He is such a good boy when we're not home, but that's not to say he likes it.

    It's not abuse, and it is definitely situational as to whether its truly fair or not. Mikey is the most social, lovable, playful dog I have ever met. He seriously attaches himself to your hip, he is what you'd call a VELCRO dog. His first owners, loved him to bits, they spoiled him. The women we got Mikey from made the best decision to find him a new home because it wasn't fair to keep him in his crate all day, she'd let him out at night when she got home, and then it'd be back in his crate for bed a few hours later. She owns a car dealership so she was very busy. Mikey was a gift from her kids. They LOVED him. But it just wasn't fair, and they realized that.

    In a situation, you need to realize whats fair for an animal and whats not. If you work full-time and have off nights and weekends or even some weekdays, yeah sure you could have a dog. Not a puppy, but it's not abuse. Some dogs actually like it. People have to make a living too. But if you work full time and have weekends off or whatever and you go out and leave the dog home alone ALL weekend, you have to see, well too a certain point that is just NOT fair.

    Good luck in whatever decision you make.

  12. #12
    I work 8 hours a day and am single. I also got a dog when I bought a house after always having cats. Yes, she is alone but I do take her to a doggie day care once or twice a week and try to make sure I play with her when I get home and get her out on the weekends with me. My feeling is that I'd rather an animal have a warm house, food and love even if it's alone part of the day. I'd take that over them sitting in a shelter or roaming the streets hungry and unloved.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cedar Rapids Iowa
    If you feel that you can take on a dog, then an adult dog would be great. Puppies are for those who are more experienced in dogs and training and those that have the time. One thing you can do is to install a doggie door that leads to your backyard so that your friend can go out and relieve itself during the day. If you can afford it, perhaps a dog walker or a friend,family member, or a trusted person can come to your house in the middle of the day. And perhaps when your ready, get your dog a buddy that he/she gets along with. They will then have a buddy to play with. I think a medium/large dog will be for you. Their bladders tend to be be bigger and they can hold it better.

    Any dog or pet is a commitment. I would wait till you are adjusted to the home yourself since it could take upto a month for a dog to get adjusted to a new environment. I would love to own a dog or two right now, but I know with my full time college classes, and my financial status right now, that it isn't a good time for dogs. Plus my pets(mainly Peaches,Speedy,and Cheyenne cat,turtle, and guinea pig the other two cats have been with dogs before) may not like the idea of a dog or two. When I am ready, I will get a dog or two, but until then, I will enjoy the pets I do have now.
    In loving memory of Tigger 2003-2009. In loving memory of Ashes 2001-2013.

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