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Thread: OMG! I got two little chicks! :D

  1. #1
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    OMG! I got two little chicks! :D

    YES!! YAHOO! OMG! I bought two little chicks!! I bought 1 actually.

    The story:

    My class fellow came running to me in school at hometime and said, "Sana!!! Look! I got a ~~~" I didn't get the last part. I had a very strong feeling it would be a chick And guess was! And it was all pink (they dye them :-/ ) and she said something like, "You want it?! Okay, keep it" And later said before she left, "take good care of it!" I was like... O_O ANUSHEY!!! (my class fellow's name) MY MOM'S GONNA KILL ME! SHE DOESN'T WANT ANY CHICKS AROUND!! But. Eh...I couldn't say it, she was gone. I showed it to many people, and my sister disliked me getting it. Then when we exited our school. We saw the man who was selling it. I got a golden bow colored so the pink one could have company. Then later, we took it back home and my cousins who I car pool with, liked them, the second youngest who is in Grade 7 is super duper excited and wants to keep them, but, unfortunately, there are cats roaming about in their garden and home. My nephew got an allergy due to these chicks earlier, but we decided to keep these till they can jump out of a cardboard box. Then we will send them to our other chickens who live in our other home. I am planning on getting another one. It won't be dyed and it will be something like a silkie chicken you can say. I really want one like that. If I can keep two why not three?

    The two chicks that I have, one is pink and the other is golden brown-ish. Pink's name is Chicky (actually when we were smaller, we bought a chick which was pink and its name was Chicky) and the brown's name is Chocky (we had another chick with Chicky and its name was Chocky)

    Sad thing is, Chocky dislikes Chicky very much. It pecks its eye or its wing :-/ I don't like him for that. I might give it to my class fellow, if someone is willing to take it in. And I am worried about the weather problem, its cold and I don't want them to die. There is no mama hen :-/ I think buying more chicks might solve this problem.

    Please pray everything works out perfectly fine My nephews are stayed for the night and they could get coughs and blocky noses if they come near chicks. Prayers that nothing like that happens and everything stay perfectly fine and my nephews and brothers and sister, and mom and dad and my grandmother's sister (who is sick and is staying with us) and me and our workers and workeresses and the PTers, we all stay fine and no harm comes to us through the chicks and this weather and the changing of weathers. AAMEEEN!!!!

    Thanks for reading!

    And sorry.... :'( I can't upload any photos yet... our camera's lost. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray we find our camera. Its lost since 2 months I think :-/

    By the way... do you think its is wrong for me to buy colored chicks and continue the people (who dye chicks) business? I have a feeling I shouldn't buy these chicks, so the people who sell them, sell un-dyed chicks..

  2. #2
    Little chicks! I hope they do ok Sana! And I hope you find your camera, I'd love to see pics! Maybe you can keep telling the people you get them from you prefer undyed chicks. Maybe that would help?
    Forever in my heart...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatepuppy View Post
    Little chicks! I hope they do ok Sana! And I hope you find your camera, I'd love to see pics! Maybe you can keep telling the people you get them from you prefer undyed chicks. Maybe that would help?
    Maybe, but, I 'm not sure if they would listen. Pray they do

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by sana View Post
    I can keep two why not three?
    It's actually generally recommended to keep at least 3 as they are very social birds and they do best in a group.

    Do you know how old they are? Are the chicks fully feathered? If not they should be in a brooder with a heat lamp. The rule of thumb is to keep a heat lamp at 95°F for their first week of life, and decrease it be 5° each week until they are at room temperature or fully feathered. The brooder should be big enough that they can get away from the heat lamp if they want to, but not so big that they can't easily find their way back to it.

    You'll need to feed them chick started (medicated, if you can find it) and they'll need a shallow dish for water (they make special waterers for chicks that work great, you can find them at a feed store for a couple dollars). As they get bigger their water will need to be placed on something (I use a cinderblock) to raise it off the ground.They can't hold water in their mouths well and the water will drain out before they can swallow if it's not raised.

    You said one is picking on the other. Are they the same size/the same age? If one is much larger than the other it will likely pick the other to death. Otherwise it may just be them determining their "pecking order", though I don't usually see that in my young chicks.

    Let me know if you have any questions, I'll try to answer them.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I hope everyone stays safe!
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Aw! How cute! I hope you can find your camera soon, I would love to see pictures. And I hope everyone stays safe, the chicks and your family as well.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBlaix View Post
    It's actually generally recommended to keep at least 3 as they are very social birds and they do best in a group.

    Do you know how old they are? Are the chicks fully feathered? If not they should be in a brooder with a heat lamp. The rule of thumb is to keep a heat lamp at 95°F for their first week of life, and decrease it be 5° each week until they are at room temperature or fully feathered. The brooder should be big enough that they can get away from the heat lamp if they want to, but not so big that they can't easily find their way back to it.
    Well, they don't have any feathers. They are like those 1 day chicks. We keep them in a carton box for the night. We close three shades and open one for air. They have a blanket and it covers them up. The three were cuddled when I saw them and they usually don't move away from the place where they are sleeping.

    You'll need to feed them chick started (medicated, if you can find it) and they'll need a shallow dish for water (they make special waterers for chicks that work great, you can find them at a feed store for a couple dollars). As they get bigger their water will need to be placed on something (I use a cinderblock) to raise it off the ground.They can't hold water in their mouths well and the water will drain out before they can swallow if it's not raised.
    We gave them water in a cap for the night. The mornings are warm so they spend their time in the garden. Thanks for the raising the bowl information!

    You said one is picking on the other. Are they the same size/the same age? If one is much larger than the other it will likely pick the other to death. Otherwise it may just be them determining their "pecking order", though I don't usually see that in my young chicks.
    Well, the brown one annoys both, the big chick and the pink chick, so my sister said we should switch it and get a green one because, we can't keep one chick alone and the rest together, he'd feel lonely. The brown and pink are of the same size. He annoys the bigger one too. My brother was really mad at the chick, and so, we definitely need to change it. I think it might feel better with the rest of its brothers.

  8. #8
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    Thanks guys!!! ^_^ The information helped me, thank you KBlaix

    Well, the update is, i got a third chick. Its a little larger and its desi....i can't find any picture for it on google has the head of a cornish and there are different eagle like textures on it. Its a little large in size too. Its faster and bigger and it is more frightened of us than the other broiler chicks. The broiler chicks are known not to live for long, but, thank god, we kept three chicks and they stayed longer than 1 year Hopefully these will stay with us for more than 2 years, because in my school a girl said, "I'll tell you one thing about these chicks, they will die in two days" I STILL REMEMBER EVERY WORD SHE SAID! I feel like going in the assembly and telling that girl, that tomorrow is their third day with us!

    I question...its weirdish....There is bird poop stuck to the desi chick's backside, what do I do? It scratches it and its gross and the other two peck it... It makes us feel sick and worried. I heard chicks like these get sick and die

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by sana View Post
    The three were cuddled when I saw them and they usually don't move away from the place where they are sleeping.
    All cuddled together is a sign they're not warm enough. They will sleep a lot in the early days, but they should get up and move around plenty too. Both day and night they should have a basking spot of 95°F for the first week (90° the second week, 85° the third week, etc). You can use a red heat bulb or a ceramic bulb that won't give off too much light at night.

    Quote Originally Posted by sana View Post
    my school a girl said, "I'll tell you one thing about these chicks, they will die in two days" I STILL REMEMBER EVERY WORD SHE SAID! I feel like going in the assembly and telling that girl, that tomorrow is their third day with us!
    You should have success with them as long as they're kept warm enough and clean. Keep fed and clean water available at all times and you should have lovely full grown chickens in a few months. I've both bought day-old chicks and hatched some from eggs and I've yet to lose one. They are really pretty easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by sana View Post
    I question...its weirdish....There is bird poop stuck to the desi chick's backside, what do I do? It scratches it and its gross and the other two peck it... It makes us feel sick and worried. I heard chicks like these get sick and die
    That's not uncommon with baby chicks. You can take a damp cloth and clean them up. If you leave the dirty butts they can become impacted and then they will get sick, but if you clean it she should be fine.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, Kari thanks for helping Sana!
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Pensacola Beach,FL
    CONGRATS on the babies! Chickens are AWESOME pets!

    Great advice, KBlaix. I ADORE keeping chickens! I really miss having them! The moment I have the room, I will have chickens again!
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  12. #12
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    Thank You ever so much Kari!! That helped a lot!

    I feel bad and sad right now. The sad thing sister has two little sons and they get stuffy noses and coughs when they come near feathers.. It means the chicks have to go... My sister and I are totally not with this plan, but it has to happen We're giving them to a lady who has been caring for chicks before and is willing to take these chicks in. I'm glad she works in my sister's home, so, we can ask her how the chicks are doing. I'm sure she can take good care of them. Now that I know how to clean the chicks up, I will try and do it as soon as possible, maybe right now. The little brown, Chocky has a dirty butt too. I'll clean them up and probably send them away

    A small good news.
    I'll probably be keeping two ducklings for a day! My teacher wants them and I'll try buying them for her from a famous shop nearby There are lots of birds etc. there so, I can easily buy them from there and keep them for a day and give it to them the next day. I'm excited about that, but, I wish, that I could still hear the little cheeping of our little Chicky, Chocky and Cuckoo...

    Now they are soo attached that if, you take out one, Chocky especially starts crying. It cheeps a lot and loudly and when you put the last one back it runs to it. I also learned that they know we give them food and water so they come running to us. I wish I could keep the little three, but, I can't because of my nephews

    Good thoughts and wishes for the trio. I hope you live a long (more than 2 years) happy life.

    I hope life treats you kind
    And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
    And I wish to you, joy and happiness
    But, above all this, I wish you

  13. #13
    I'm sorry you aren't able to keep the chicks, but I'm sure they'll be happy in their new home. It's nice you'll be able to get updates on them!

    Have fun with the ducklings! My son wants ducks very badly, but it's not the right time for us to add them to our family. Maybe in a few years we will be able to?
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBlaix View Post
    I'm sorry you aren't able to keep the chicks, but I'm sure they'll be happy in their new home. It's nice you'll be able to get updates on them!

    Have fun with the ducklings! My son wants ducks very badly, but it's not the right time for us to add them to our family. Maybe in a few years we will be able to?
    Thank you again! Thank you soooo much! I'll try remembering these great points you told me. If I ever get to buy chicks again, I'll be sure to keep these points in my mind.

    Its soo quiet now. I can't hear their cheeping and cute little loud voices I miss them already. And of course, this happens nearly always to everybody, today in the morning, my sister went to visit them for the last time and they were extra sweet and adorable to her I wish I could meet them again! I'll keep asking that old lady how the chicks are doing I took lots of photos (especially of the pink one. Gosh it moves so much!) and they are on my brother's crazy mobile, so i think it might take a lot of time to upload them. I'll try uploading them whenever I can

    Probably going to go buy the ducklings in like 45 minutes! My class fellow (the one who I am going to give the ducklings to. She is that teacher's daughter) is super duper excited about them. She wasn't going to come tomorrow, and I told her that if she doesn't come, I'm not bringing the ducklings and she was like, "NO! NO! I'll come!" I laughed a bit at her reaction

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