Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
I don't disagree. The question is whether the "base" can deal with it.

What is perceived as "baggage" will be big in this primary. Can Romney get past his support for gay marriage and medical coverage? Can Pawlenty explain his previous support of cap and trade. Will a change of heart be seen as "flip-flopping" or "seeing the light."

On the other hand - if a president whose foreign policy I passionately disagreed with asked me to serve as an ambassador, would it be the right thing to accept?

Lots of interesting questions this time...
He also supports civil unions - not as far as he should go, but at least a start. And he got liquor laws relaxed in Utah, so it is easier to get a drink. He had an 80% approval rating there when he took the Ambassador post.

I sort of like him - he's not as far to the middle socially as I would like, but he's way better than Santorum. Of course, most anyone is better than Rick.

Article from TIME about him.