Thread: Politics and religion.

  1. #3121
    Join Date
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    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
    liz, I thought this was interesting, regarding the long-form birth certificates -

    Probably wasn't just the "birther" thing alltogether, other factors were
    in play with this particular President. I read a interesting article today
    that explains the other factors quite well. There is a lot of truth to her
    words & while I've heard it all before, this lady expresses it all nicely.
    I've Been Boo'd

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  2. #3122
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizbud View Post
    Probably wasn't just the "birther" thing alltogether, other factors were
    in play with this particular President. I read a interesting article today
    that explains the other factors quite well. There is a lot of truth to her
    words & while I've heard it all before, this lady expresses it all nicely.
    Oh, I do agree with her. Have felt that way since the very beginning.

    There are just some people in this country that can't abide the thought of anyone other than an older, white male occupying the White House. If Hillary had been elected, someone would have concocted a crazy scenario about her.

  3. #3123
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    I just came across this quote by Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Western Australia.

    It sure fits with the birther business.

    Ideology trumps facts.

    And it doesn’t matter what the ideology is, whether socialism, any brand of fundamentalist religion, or free-market extremism. The psychological literature shows quite consistently that a threat to one’s worldview is more than likely met by a dismissal of facts, however strong the evidence. Indeed, the stronger the evidence, the greater the threat — and hence the greater the denial.

  4. #3124
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    I am so happy & proud of the people of Indianapolis.It was an immediate
    and overwhelming rejection of Trump as a part of the 100th Indy 500 race
    as the driver of the pace car. Right after it was publicly announced people
    spoke up to say he was not wanted here.

    All this from a deeply Conservative state & Republican majority in Indiana
    political offices.
    I've Been Boo'd

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  5. #3125
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    Hee hee. I saw an opinion piece from a political columnist apologizing on behalf of the media for foisting Donald Trump on the rest of us. It gave me a wry sort of smile.
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #3126
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    Birth certiicates?

    I worked for a short time, long ago, as a Birth Certificate Clerk.

    The whole 'birther' thing made me laugh, from the emails sent to me by friends claiming BO wasn't a citizen, to the prez himself.

    The "short form" BC is merely a document from a hospital, signed by the parent(s) and the doc who delivered the child.

    The long form is that same document, sent to the county or state registar who has recorded that birth in the states/county's archives/books.

    Bo could have saved quite a bit of turmoil and bad press by releasing the LFBC.

    Of course, Hawaii has some stupid laws regarding the release of a BC,wshich should be a matter of public record, so that just made it more of a problem fo BO.

    Jeez, as if we do not have anything better to worry about.

  7. #3127
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizbud View Post
    I am so happy & proud of the people of Indianapolis.It was an immediate
    and overwhelming rejection of Trump as a part of the 100th Indy 500 race
    as the driver of the pace car. Right after it was publicly announced people
    spoke up to say he was not wanted here.

    All this from a deeply Conservative state & Republican majority in Indiana
    political offices.
    Well done, Indy!!!!!
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
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  8. #3128
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizbud View Post
    I am so happy & proud of the people of Indianapolis.It was an immediate
    and overwhelming rejection of Trump as a part of the 100th Indy 500 race
    as the driver of the pace car. Right after it was publicly announced people
    spoke up to say he was not wanted here.

    All this from a deeply Conservative state & Republican majority in Indiana
    political offices.
    Wow. He shouldn't be the one driving the pace car. Isn't David Letterman from Indiana? He should do it. Or Larry Bird. They would need a car with a high ceiling for him because he's so tall! Or someone who honorably served in Afghanistan or Iraq, or another military operation.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

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  9. #3129
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    I think that DT running the pacecar has NOTHING TO DO with politics.

    Get rid off Jim Nabors, instead.

  10. #3130
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    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    I think that DT running the pacecar has NOTHING TO DO with politics.

    It was his outlandish poltical statements that got him un-invited.

    As one of our local sports writers put it "We kept the clown out of town".
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  11. #3131
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizbud View Post
    It was his outlandish poltical statements that got him un-invited.

    As one of our local sports writers put it "We kept the clown out of town".
    Rashard Mendenhall.

    Kick him out of the NFL.

    Morons, one and all.

    Politics have nothing to do with sports - unless you do drive drunk or against traffic.

    I have yet to see a clockwise lap done at Indy?

    BO vanity made a totally stupid situation out of his BC.

    It's his own cross to bear and he could have nipped it in the bud had he silenced the critics from the start.

    Maybe that's what the country needs.

    A clown to be president.

    He can't do any worse that any other politician and their stupid hair cuts?

  12. Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    BO vanity made a totally stupid situation out of his BC.

    It's his own cross to bear and he could have nipped it in the bud had he silenced the critics from the start.
    Let's get this straight once and for all. Obama DID...repeat DID produce the evidence of his citizenship in 2008. Certificate of Live Birth.

    When I first applied for a passport I had to request proof of my birth in the United States from the State of Indiana. They sent me a Certificate of Live Birth. That is the standard required by the United States of America for proof of citizenship. It is not a long form. It is a short form. It does not list the hospital or the doctor who attended. You see - some people are born at home. And without an attending doctor. Duh??

    Because some morons felt it was necessary for him to produce more than that required by the State Department, US Military or any other body??

    If he could have "nipped the morons in the bud" by asking the State of Hawaii to make an exception to its policies - why are there still morons blaming this nonsense on Obama?? Why are there still morons such as the guy I saw on Fox describing why they believe the document released by the State of Hawaii is a forgery??

    Think about it. Morons say...I don't believe you were born in the United States. No reason - they just say it. And you produce the official document required by the government and the morons say - that is not good enough. And you would say...well okay - let me find something else you will not accept??? Please.

    Talk about blame the victim....To suggest this idiocy was the result of his vanity (what vanity has to do with it is beyond is not like he was hiding his age...) is...well...what is the word....

  13. #3133
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    Reading is fundamental, comprehension is not.

    Since we really have worn out the phrase "moron", shall we move on to the chuckleheads?

    My main point, as veiled and thinly diguised as I have try to make it? Both sets of CHUCKLEHEADS (everytime you hear that phrase, you must take a drink of you beverage) are to blame for wasting time on the whole affair, Both the prez and the birthers.
    I seem to have no patience for the CHUCKLEHEADS who promise "transparency, hope and change" nor do I have any love lost for people who run around and waste my effing time and space on my email accounts sending me stupid notes about BO being from Mars and following the Cargo Cult Religion of the Pacific.

    I defend neither side and I surely don't endorse any CHUCKLEHEADS who fervently hide or try to expose people's citizenship.

    I do take issue with people who lift passages and phrases from posts that I had to think of myself.

    That should be a issue for the 2012 election.


    Being stuck with the same old tyme religion/politics kinda sucks.

    I'd run for office, but I can barely walk at the moment......
    Last edited by RICHARD; 05-10-2011 at 12:33 PM.

  14. #3134
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    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    Reading is fundamental, comprehension is not.
    Writing is fundamental, being clear and to the point is not.
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  15. #3135
    Join Date
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    FWIW... I agree with ES's recent post.

    It is a utter waste of time and energy to go after the President on this, NON issue.

    There are SO many other reasons, real reasons, to critique him. The entire 'birther' mess gives him plenty of ammo. Were I the President, I would have held this card in my hand as long as possible too.

    When you hear the President or people close to him talk... Watch the other hand VERY closely. What are they distracting us from?
    "Unlike most of you, I am not a nut."

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