Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
I don't know who you are referencing here, John. I do know that I would prefer that people who represent me in Congress and/or Senate and/or White House have some semblance of knowledge. If one is going to speak about events that are documented in history books, one should be darn sure one has the facts correct, or one risks looking like a fool. If one does not know, one should keep one's mouth shut.
Some semblance of knowledge ???? Well I'm sure she does have that.
Perhaps her forte is knowing more important things than history. Is she supposed to know EVERYTHING ???? Or do you think she should do what other so called smart people do....when in doubt consult a book ???? (Says a lot for knowledge that SMART people are supposed to have in the first place).

I find the woman unpretentious and well grounded in common sense....now that's gotta be better than some of the yoyo's who are in power who probably know the middle name of the first slave in the USA, but know buckley's about running a chook raffle.
I mean gee.......you have an ex movie star and body builder in power in Cal.,
because he is married to a Kennedy and has lots and lots of money ???? Says a lot for the voters in Cal. doesn't it ??? But you know, I'm just an Aussie, with my own humble opinion....who am I to suggest that Daffy Duck is more intelligent than Arnold.
Ya gotta look deeper than the big words and the bucks old mate.

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to maintain correct spelling, perfect positioning of smilies, capital letters where required, a perfect understanding of what a GOP is etc etc; the writer cannot be held responsible for minor mistakes made in this post. The writer hereby "Without Prejudice" ADMITS that he has not a clue as to where the first shot was fired during your Civil War (but he does know how to build an Olympic Village).