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Thread: Don't know what to do :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Don't know what to do :(

    I am in a situation and don't know what to do Up until August we had a stable living situation. Then our lives changed, drastically The jobs we had for the past 7 years ended, and we had to move before our house was ready for all of us (pets and people) Don't get me wrong, the house is livable, it's just not ideal for us all; namely, the dogs. We had to move in before we could fence in their yard. So, now we have two big dogs, who are used to going inside and outside freely, stuck in the house most of the time. We take them out on leashes to potty and exercise, but they are used to being able to RUN a yard; and our legs can't keep up with that We cannot leave them to run loose either because of neighbors and wild dogs (we moved to a semi-rural area). Now, the dogs have started behaving badly. They chew on things they know not to, will not stay out of the litter boxes, they eliminate inside right after they have pottied outside or in the middle of the night, they've started barking at everything, and now one of them has started slipping her collar right as we go out and won't come when called. They used to be such good girls We can still afford food and vet care, but aren't going to be able to afford a fence any time soon. We just don't know what to do. Is this temporary? Do they need remedial training? Or would it be better to find them new homes? Our situation does not look like it will change any time soon. What would be the responsible thing to do?
    Too many pets? What's that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Set up a good long run for them. If you can have a cable stretch from one end of the other yard to the other, then have chain for each that can slide along that, it should give them running room, but still be secure. I'd only put them out there when you are home, of course, for the sake of tangles, etc., but I am guessing they'd get used to it pretty quickly.

    I don't know if I've described it well, but it's sort of like how a chairlift works, understand?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    That's a great suggestion, Karen.
    Good luck - it does sound like you have some challenges, but don't give up yet, there's a few things you can try.
    Take them out for good-length walks a couple times every day. It'll help expend some of that pent-up energy. Do you have a dogpark nearby? That might give them a chance to stretch those legs. As for slipping her collar, can you switch her to a halter for walks? They are not as easy to slip thru.
    Inside, you might want to consider using a crate or, better yet, a specific dog-proofed room inside to keep them in when you need to leave. Create some interesting things for them to do- bored dogs get destructive.
    As the saying goes, "A tired dog is a good dog".

  4. Im with Karen in suggesting a couple of these you can buy those at Wal-Mart an such too. maybe ones that has higher weight restrictions on them than whats on the site as well(if not you can make your own by buying coated cables,, pulleys,, cable clamps,, swivel snaps an eye bolts outta a hardware store are are made for more weight). if you install them sort of close to each other maybe they will have races with each other. just careful not install them too close together so they dont get tangled up with each others dangle leads. oh an of course tightening your dogs collar up or buying a new one thats impossible for her to slip out of or this will do no good.

    if youre short of a tree or two you can dig hole/s an cement in post/s to attach them too.

    theyre probably also acting up cuz their routine is all messed up. try an make things as routinely again as possible an see if the combo of the two help.

    i wish you an the poochlings the best of luck
    Last edited by Vette; 10-17-2010 at 01:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Houston, Tx. U.S.A.

    Alternate Dog Run Parts

    I too have had to make a temporary Run, but I used...
    3/8" Nylon Rope

    and used a Pulley/Trolley to connect the leash to...

    I had two trees that were well apart, and this gave him a nice run.
    And yes, I had to untangle him from the far tree several times, till he sorta learned not to wind himself around it.

    After all, the Rope came in handy for other purposes, which is why I'd recommend it, rather than a Cable.

    Have a good Day !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thank you for your help We definately have a few trees that will do the trick for a good run for both Hopefully, it will help them.
    Too many pets? What's that?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by freckledimple View Post
    Thank you for your help We definately have a few trees that will do the trick for a good run for both Hopefully, it will help them.
    Excellent - glad to hear! I am guessing it will, especially as the two will likely goad each other into play!

    Our dog run was connected to a hug pine tree at one end, and to a metal pipe dad embedded in the ground on the other, and worked just fine. Only Gracie, our beloved but sort of brain damaged Great Dane mix, ever got tangled more than a few times. The rest figured it out after being led around in the reverse direction a couple times. Gracie, sadly, would get herself wound around the lilac bush so tightly she could not move, and would just whimper in place. Wasn't her fault, we got her third-hand from clueless folks and she was malnourished at the time, so we blame them.
    I've Been Frosted


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