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Thread: Koko totally freaked at her first visit to dog park

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sweet Home Alabama (ZULU -6)

    Koko totally freaked at her first visit to dog park

    Every year we go to a local dog event called Doo dah days and Koko does great around thousands of dog. Yesterday we decided to venture to our local dog park that is situated in Greens Springs park, a very large Municipal park. When we arrived in the parking lot, the moment Koko's feet hit the ground, she started acting very weird. Her tail was completely tucked under her stomach, and she started drooling. It took me a while to get her inside the park because she had her noise to the ground, and occasional looking around as if she was afraid of some impending doom.

    it turned out that we were the only people and dog at the park. The ground was covered in balls of various sizes but she was so distracted by smells she paid no attention to my efforts, to play ball. She was drooling so badly that her mouth got all frothy like she had rabies.

    I'm wondering if there had been other dogs there if she would have acted differently. koko is well socialized around other dogs and never has any problems meeting and greeting new friends.

    When we left the dog park, I took her to another Large park, Ruffner Mountain, that allows dogs on leash. She was immediately at ease with tail up and wagging. There was no sign of the behavior that she had displayed at the dog park. Maybe some of you have experience with this type of behavior and can shed some light on what was going on, with her, at the dog park.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    North Carolina, USA
    My Goodness, I am not an expert and have never been to a dog park because I live in the country so that's where I walk my dogs. However, I wonder if the grass had been sprayed with something that your dog found sickening and/or allergic. I dont know but I suppose you could go back one day when other dogs are there and see how Koko behaves. Maybe she was just overcome with all the smells and couldnt see the reason (other dogs) for the smells. I hope you find out why. Kay in NC

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    I too was thinking, some smell was really bothering her.

    Skunk? Coyote? Possum? I haven't thought of grass fertilizer or some such, that is a good thought too.

    I am glad you took her straight off to another place where she was fine. Much better than just taking her home, she could have become nervous about going out in the car, you just never know with these dogs of ours.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Sounds like something was completely stressing her out, poor girl! Maybe some other day, when there are other dogs there, you can try again, but the tail tucked under and the drooling are both indicative of stress. Give her an extra hug from me, okay?
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sweet Home Alabama (ZULU -6)
    I appreciate the feedback. I think something had her upset the moment we got out of the car. i haven't seen her respond quite this way before. I think all of the pet smells had her confused, because there weren't any other pets around. I plan to try again now that the weather is so nice now. I really love October and Koko is loving it too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Quote Originally Posted by kokopup View Post
    I appreciate the feedback. I think something had her upset the moment we got out of the car. i haven't seen her respond quite this way before. I think all of the pet smells had her confused, because there weren't any other pets around. I plan to try again now that the weather is so nice now. I really love October and Koko is loving it too.

    Wow, poor baby. I would definately do as you did and not force her
    into anything. I would take my cues from her in this case. Maybe the area
    had been sprayed recently. I'm glad she enjoys her walks
    otherwise. Fall is a great time for walks.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Oregon, USA

    Possible cause...

    Quote Originally Posted by kokopup View Post
    Every year we go to a local dog event called Doo dah days and Koko does great around thousands of dog. Yesterday we decided to venture to our local dog park that is situated in Greens Springs park, a very large Municipal park. When we arrived in the parking lot, the moment Koko's feet hit the ground, she started acting very weird. ...
    This happened to my Standard Poodle Beau-tie a few years ago. It turned out to be the smell of a Coyote that set him off. It is the only smell that totally freaks him out. When we asked the breeder about it she said that when he was a puppy, some Coyotes attach her dogs pens. Nothing happened to the dogs, but I'm sure he is remembering that fear. Your dog probably smelled something wild and got upset like mine. The good news is that after a few years he can smell them (Coyotes), but does not totally freak out now.

    Good luck with Koko.

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