Dear Friends,
First of all, may God richly bless you for your compassion for William and for being a true human being in the way God would have you be, caring about one of your fellow inhabitants of the world He created. I pray you are always happy, healthy and prosperous so you may use even that to help others who are placed in your life's path. May your lives be long and may you know the Savior, the Blessed Lord Jesus, Who our Creator so generously gave up for us. I know you were not expecting this but I do hope you accept these words with an open heart and know they came from someone who has come a long way in life under difficult circumstances and has found that his God is truly an awesome God...
Master William...what a kitty cat! It hurts me to think of his miserable beginnings but, since the Word says to put yesterday behind, I will do that and look only to where William is today. What a handsome lad he is! I was looking at his face structure and I believe he has some Siamese in his background. Look at the angular structure of his kitty cheeks. He has a sort of "regal" look to him which appeals to me. His eyes are of an unusual color, too. I really think William is a wonderful kitty. I like his style, too, from what I read of him. He's what one might call a "pistol" here in Kentucky, which basically means he's "fired up and ready to go".
May Master William live a long, happy, and healthy life, filled with sunny days, with shady trees under which to take an afternoon snooze, and if you're wise enough to keep him inside, then a nice warm window with a kitty bed or comfortable blanket on which to sleep. May he have a nice cozy bed in which to sleep at night, even if that means he sleeps with you guys. LOL May he have plenty of good food, lots of toys, and many, many good times as he progresses through his time on this earth, which I pray is a long, long time, so long as he is healthy and happy.
Take care, my friends, and again, May the Lord bless you for what you have done for William. You're what's known as "good folks".
My love to all, in the Blessed Lord Jesus,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, KY