I had sort of the smae issue.. with a phone company (cell).. they called about a debt of a year ago.. which was paid just they never registered it.. but they called like every two hours to everyone we had on our cellphone list to tell them about that... I argued with them until they realized it was their mistake to not register the payment.. did they call everyone to apologize? of course not!.. then a year later it all started again.. and I told them what happened last year (same thing).. well this went over for like 2-3 years.. apparently they did stop now.. or at least put in in their system finally..

it is sooo annoying... it could be telephone harrasment but not sure about your laws over there... here collectors are very rude and don´t mind calling in wee hours and scream and call you names and even threaten you... I wish something can be done to make them stop.. with this economy many people are having troubles to pay or pay late and these people might also be in debt but they do get on one´s nerves