Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
Puck, there's a REASON I'm an officer for what is, for all intents and purposes, a public employees' Union.

Research the labor conditions in the US Post Office prior to 1970 and it might open your eyes to see why the APWU exists.

For another example of why we need Unions, read:


and take into consideration that management at the plant has been screwing with the employees repeatedly about BS safety violations, but when someone finally has had enough and calls OSHA for real violations, what happens?

I spent this morning in a pre-disciplinary interview for my comments to OSHA.
If the primary goal of being safe, was the mission of public employee unions, i'd be behind you. But when my property taxes go up 15% so that the teachers don't have simply not get a raise ONE year.... And so they don't have to contribute ONE CENT to their super-duper cadillac health plan... AND so they can build a shiny new stadium for the worst performing high school in the county... AND so that their pension plan remains solvent... All in a time of financial crisis.. (Except for public employee union members I guess.)

Ya see where I am going?

We told our staff... If it ever came up that we have to unionize our company, we are just closing the doors.

I get the safety thing. What I can't stand is the stuff I described.