Quote Originally Posted by lizbud View Post
" Loose lips sink ships",they also sink Generals. If McC. coudn't get a plan
that he designed to work, than he should resign. He has shown the world that
he was a frustrated, undisiplined, loose canon & not fit to command.

Are you talking about the Navy?

If he was a loose cannon, he'd would have come out to the ranks of the arty boys.

McC is bound by the "rules of engagement" -no I'm not talking about a prenup..

I read that many of the troops were disgruntled that they were not allowed to "carry out the mission" they were tasked to do.

Like Col. Jessop said?

We sleep pretty darn good because we have guys like him on the wire.

Handle the truth?

LOL, I don't think any Illinois politico would know the truth if it came out of the woodwork and bit them on the earlobe.