Your Border Collie is not being dominant. He is trying to teach the puppies manners.... has he hurt the puppies? What do these "attacks" entail?

Border Collies are all about manners with other dogs. My BC was incredibly grumpy with Fozzie when I brought him home as a puppy, but was his best friend to moment Fozzie realized, "ok, now I know, I have to be polite and gentle to play with this big grumpy dog". He was actually a tremendous help in teaching Fozzie manners and bite inhibition! However, I made sure to give Gonzo plenty of me time, and I seperated them with a babygate at first.

Does Jackson live outside? What kind of backyard, fencing, and shelter is he provided? Does he ever come inside? How do you exercise him? Border Collies are soooooo attached to their people. They want to be with their people, doing whatever is asked of them, when ever possible. Behavioral issues arise very quickly with bored Border Collies left to entertain themselves in the backyard. A bored Border Collie quickly becomes a neurotic, destructive Border Collie without proper exercise, training and containment. Can you not keep Jackson inside, and keep the puppies in an exercise pen or crated inside when they can't be supervised?

Another question... why on EARTH did you buy two Border Collie puppies with an adolescent Border Collie already? Crazy!!!!!!!