Thanks for the birthday wishes! We do have plans for today....and most of them good.

Unfortunately, my best friend since the 4th grade's grandmother passed away a few weeks before Christmas. They are having a Memorial service for her today, so the afternoon will be spent there. Guing to a funeral on your birthday may not be the ideal thing, BUT, that means my friend who now lives in St. Louis is in town, and several other of my close friends from high school will be there. Ithas been years since I have got together with my HS friends on my birthday.

After that, we are having dinner with my family and mom is making Lasgana! And ice cream from the local candy store...Strawberry Daquiri Sherbet. Yum!

And there is racing on today The 24 Hours of Rolex start this afternoon, the Toyota All Star Sootout is tonight and there is a UC basketball game tonight.

Looking forward to a great day!