I have 2 thoughts on this.

One, sometimes we have a dog in church because there is a family who is working with a puppy before she goes to helper dog training. She has to be introduced to a variety of situations she may encounter with the person she will eventually be helping, and that includes church. Some people initially got angry when they saw the dog in church, even though she was wearing her training jacket. There was an article in the newsletter, though (written from the dog's point of view) explaining that the family working with the puppy agrees to take the puppy as many places as they can, and that includes church, so please be patient and understanding, and consider the person the puppy may eventually help. There are still a few people who think the puppy ought not to be in church, but I'd say 97% of the people understand why she is there, agree with the decision to bring her, and use her as a teachable moment with children (See the dog wearing the special jacket? Guess what she is learning to do?). Everyone always wants to pet her, so the family teaches about that too - ask first and then you may pet her briefly. She's totally adorable. Once we had a brass ensemble in church, and when they were done playing, she barked! that is the only time she has ever barked in church. The whole congregation laughed and the director said, "Puppy solo!" It was soooooo cute.

The other is this - in Chicago there are some restaurants that have outdoor seating that you can use whether you have a dog with you or not. That way, if you are out with your dog (e.g., at Wiggly Field or walking along the lakefront), you don't have to take her home before you go out to eat. I went to one with some friends and we sat on the patio even though we didn't have a dog with us. It was fun! We struck up conversations with people about their dogs, and learned a lot. Also got lovely doggie kisses afterward The dog people were so friendly that day!