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Thread: Can I ask ya'll something about this guy ;]

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Can I ask ya'll something about this guy ;]

    Hey, I've got a question....there's this guy I've liked for 2 years now. We've talked off and on the last 2 years...we either end up seeing each other in Walmart or he'll call or text me out of the blue. We pass each other on the road like almost everyday. Anyways-I've always liked him (and he's told my brother that he likes me too before) and he's asked me out so many times, but each time something has happened where we weren't able to go w/ each other ;[ it wasn't always him calling it off either, sometimes it was just seems it's always bad timing when he asks.

    So anyways...I was at the movies the other night w/ a guy (the guy isn't my boyfriend, but we've kinda been seeing each other the last 2 months) and I saw Alec (the guy I'm writing about) and he was w/ another girl. (his GF I guess ;[ ) They actually were there to see the same movie we were (it figures lol) anyways...I didn't talk to him. Some reason when ever I see him w/ another girl or he sees me w/ another guy he doesn't say anything or even act like he knows me...I do the same thing tho...I don't know why. It just feels weird and awkward to see him w/ another girl. And I don't really want him to see me w/ another guy-is that weird?

    Anyways...a few days ago he texts me and says hi. We talk a little while texting each other...then a couple days after that he texts me again and wanted to know if I wanted to go riding around w/ him. I was at work though and didn't get off until 9pm so I couldn't (like I told you he has bad timing when he asks me out) anyways....I told him to text me some other time and we could go riding one night. But that's been like almost 2 weeks ago now and he hasn't texted or called back.

    First...why did he text and ask me out when he has a GF? I know how some guys are...but Alec has always seemed like a sweet and nice guy. Anyways I'd love to go out w/ him. I even thought about texting him one day and asking him if he wanted to ride somewhere w/ me one night. I don't know if I should though. What do you think? my mom and brother like him a lot and they said I should, but I'm really nervous around Alec. I don't know why...I just am. What should I do?
    *Some people come into your life and quickly go, but some leave footprints on your heart and you are never the same*
    *We only fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up*
    *Life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take but by those that take our breath away*
    *Life is made of millions of moments, but we live only one of these at a time. As we begin to change this moment we begin to change our lives*

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    columbus, ohio, usa
    [QUOTE=Genny;2221696]First...why did he text and ask me out when he has a GF? -..... he's young, slightly immature, doesn't have fully developed social skills set to ask you out for a date directly, and maybe she's not as tight a GF as you think..... thought about texting him one day and asking him if he wanted to ride somewhere w/ me one night. I don't know if I should though. What do you think?.... don't text though, if you're curious enough about him to want to spend some time with him, walk up to him, when he's alone and ask. be prepared for him to say no or to put you off with some mumbled maybe, and by you doing so to his face, you'll know better how he is as a person to person level, ......texting for a kinda sorta date is very lame
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Ah, the joys of young adulthood/teenaged angst.

    I would start this moment with setting some parameters for yourself. Do NOT date anyone that doesn't have the courage and respect to properly phone you up/see you in person and ask you out. I seem to recall a thread from you not so long ago also "wondering what something meant" type of situation.

    Do not lose sleep/experience angst over this nonsense with young men. Not saying you are, just cautioning you. Focus on you, your schooling (yeah, again with the schooling), your friends and your family.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Just north of Memphis TN, USA
    you have posted about this guy a few times now and here's my 2 cents. He knows you really like him, but you seem a bit too emotionally demanding to him (young men are flighty and don't want drama). He does like you to some extent, and is willing to hang out and text or call you, but only on occasion because he doesn't want you to think he is full-on "interested" because he's this point, anyway.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Genny View Post
    ...So anyways...I was at the movies the other night w/ a guy (the guy isn't my boyfriend, but we've kinda been seeing each other the last 2 months) and I saw Alec (the guy I'm writing about) and he was w/ another girl. (his GF I guess ;[ ) They actually were there to see the same movie we were (it figures lol) anyways...I didn't talk to him. Some reason when ever I see him w/ another girl or he sees me w/ another guy he doesn't say anything or even act like he knows me...I do the same thing tho...I don't know why. It just feels weird and awkward to see him w/ another girl. And I don't really want him to see me w/ another guy-is that weird?...
    It sounds to me like you're just assuming the girl he was with was his girlfriend, but you no conformation. You were there with a guy who wasn't your boyfriend, so why couldn't he have been there with a girl who wasn't his girlfriend?

    I'm with Cataholic, I wouldn't accept a date over a text message. If he texts you again, send a text back that says "call me".
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA
    Quote Originally Posted by KBlaix View Post
    If he texts you again, send a text back that says "call me".

    I agree, instead of texting things and assuming the rest, just talk to the guy and find out what the scoop is.

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