Quote Originally Posted by MonicanHonda View Post
Try the Nothing In Life Is Free deal. Whenever she does anything for Strummer, your mother in law should make Strummer do something to receive whatever she is receiving. Sit before eating, going outside, putting the leash on. Tricks before eating, being pet, laying down and snuggling.

Along with Karen's suggestion of course. Basic obedience will be a good thing. I would try and get both owners to go too. It's a nice bonding time.
Oh i totallly agree with this post. Its VERY helpful. I did it with my dog when we were having some dominance issues and it worked wonders! Another good idea would be to make sure Strummer does not sleep in the bed with your MIL. I had Heidi sleeping in bed with me and she started to show dominance issues and I kicked he out of my bed and she now sleeps in her kennel and that practically solved the dominance issues, just by doing that alone! I think the Nothing in Life is free program is wonderful and I agree that obedience classes are very good. That way Strummer can get used to other dogs being around your MIL and your MIL petting other dogs! Good luck! keep us posted!