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Thread: Hello everyone.. I am new

  1. #1

    Hello everyone.. I am new

    My name is Mike and I am KoKopups son who lives next door. I have a Chihuahua nd a Chocolate Lab that I am very proud of and wanted to share a story I wrote about them here. My dad showed me this website and I posted my story earlier, but I guess it has to be approved by an admin first. So...hopefully it will be approved and posted and then you will be able to read more about my dogs and me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Welcome to Pet Talk!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hi Mike, Welcome to Pet Talk. We look forward to hearing about you and your puppers!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Usually in my own little world...
    Quote Originally Posted by v3rax View Post
    My name is Mike and I am KoKopups son who lives next door. I have a Chihuahua nd a Chocolate Lab that I am very proud of and wanted to share a story I wrote about them here. My dad showed me this website and I posted my story earlier, but I guess it has to be approved by an admin first. So...hopefully it will be approved and posted and then you will be able to read more about my dogs and me.
    Yea!!! New members. How about some pics of those sweet puppers.

  5. #5
    I actually posted pics in another post that hasn't been approved yet in Dog/General

    But, I can do it again here...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    Aweee your pups are so Adorable.. Welcome all of you to Pet Talk & enjoy the talks & pics..

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

    [[ Furr Babies are Like Potato Chips **** No One Can Have Just One ]]
    ****** Kindness, Mercy & Justice to All Living Creatures ******
    {{{{{Everyday is a Gift = That's why it's Called the Present }}}}}
    ((( Each Day With Our Pets is a Surprise Package Waiting to be Opened )))
    <Sunsets are God's Reminder to Us That At The End of the Day We're All In This Together>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    I seem to remember your Dad telling us a story of a near tragedy with your little one.
    You've got to be a good guy if you're Kokopup's son! Welcome!
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Welcome aboard! Adorable dogs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sweet Home Alabama (ZULU -6)
    Welcome to Pet Talk son, I think you will love meeting some very nice people,
    and even nicer pets from all over the world. I can say that I have not met a single pet that is the least bit controversial.

  10. #10
    Thanks for the welcome and I already see that there are some very proud pet owners here. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Concordia Lutheran Home in Cabot


    Hi, Mike. Welcome to Pet Talk. I'm David P and I live in Pittsburgh, Pa. I own (or does she own me?) an 8 y.o. Tortie named Marigold. Your pups are are really beautiful and I hope you post often. Beware, this site can be addicting!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by pomtzu View Post
    I seem to remember your Dad telling us a story of a near tragedy with your little one.
    You've got to be a good guy if you're Kokopup's son! Welcome!
    Ditto to that, Ellie !! Your pups are adorable!! Welcome to the board. My name is Terry and I am owned by two Chis, Daisy and Delilah.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    New Jersey
    A big welcome too you and Blackjack
    GILL & Crew;

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Welcome to Pet Talk, Mike! I agree if you're Kokopup's son, you have got to be a good guy. Enjoy it here!

    I'm curious about your username "v3rax" - what does that stand for?

    I live in Copenhagen, Denmark with Fister, he is a 14 year old orange tabby. You can see pictures and hear stories about him in Cat General.

    Off to see the pictures you posted....

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Welcome Mike! The chocolate lab in your avatar pic is adorable! I can't see the other pics you posted yet (my work computer) but I will see them from home. As I'm sure I told your dad, my dog was adopted from a rescue in Alabama. She was transported with around 70 other Alabama pups to rescues here in the North and hopefully they all have great homes. Here is the rescue that pulled her pregnant mom from a high kill shelter;

    We love our Southern belle Alabama pup with all our hearts!


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