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Thread: They can't talk - But they can sure "act"

  1. #1

    They can't talk - But they can sure "act"

    My girl cat, Fifi, makes us let her in and out through the door to the attached garage. This door has the pet door and the boy cat, Lamoni, goes through it just fine. He is huge and can barely squeeze through.

    The dainty one wants us to open the door for her. When she meows by the door I come over and open it for her. She is so excited and watches the door handle as I turn it.

    The other day I had let her out and in three times in the morning. I had let her in not five minutes earlier when I heard the famous OW-WOW meow that she does when she wants out. She was looking right at me. I saw those bright eyes and twiching tail.

    "Damn it, girl! I just let you in."

    She dropped her head and looked at the floor. Her tail drooped. She opened her mouth slightly and trembled her jaw. I heard a soft, low, moan. She's pouting.

    "OK, Fifi. OK. Daddy will let you out." Tail high she trotted to the door and waited for me.

    I over act around our cats. When they don't do something that I want them to do I let them see me cry. Lowered head, trembling jaw, clinched eyes, awful moaning - the works.

    This is not the first time for something like this. Lamoni has learned to shake his head to say "no". He can't, or won't, nod. Now Fifi has learned to pout.

    You know, of course, what this means? She HAS me.

    Charles Kincaid

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Georgia, USA
    HA!! That is funny!! Mine sure do know how to act too.... Tinky knows exactly how to push my buttons to get whatever she wants... and Jupiter... all he has to do is pull his toys out like the might lion would carry his prey and I just melt in a puddle to play with him.

    Alden is here!!
    7/6/2006 - 9 pounds 9 ounces 22 inches


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Bastet looks at me with those yellow eyes and I am HERS! I tell you what - nothing else has ever done that to me! If I don't pay attention to her she nips me or smooges me or claws me or lays on the floor meowing pitiously until she gets what she wants ... usually a mousie from under the lounge. Yes kitty's are the best actors around!
    "A cat cannot see directly under its nose. This is why the cat cannot seem to find tidbits on the floor."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    Juni is even worse. When we critisize her, she doesn't run away, on the opposite, she comes to the person that is critisizing her, wagging her tail and chirping. What can you do?!?! Of course, pet her and kiss her.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    From the cat haiku thread

    Wanna go outside.
    Oh, no! Help! I got outside!
    Let me back inside!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    She has you trained well, doesn't she???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    I need HELP!

    You wrote to MAUISGIRL about her cat and I read your reply.
    You mentioned a friend that owns an AFRICAN GREY, I believe his name was Thundering Bull. I was wondering if you could ask him to contact me about my AFRICAN GREY. I'm having some issues with him trusting me, (you can read my thread under AFRICAN GREY to get the details).

    Thank You


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    JJsmom- do you mean an african grey parrot? If so, EMAIL me (not pm, but email) and I will forward it on to my sister who had an african grey for some time...she placed it else where because the bird needed more attention than she could give it..but she had her for awhile, and really worked some wonders with her..

    [email protected]

  9. #9
    My cats talk AND act !!
    They just choose whatever works best to get what they want ... . I love it when they both act as if they are ignoring me , but I can see they follow me with almost closed eyes... . Funny is also when they talk to me both at the same time ...!

  10. #10
    Hey there, JJsMOM.

    You can write to him at [email protected] Tell him that you know me from the cat of the day site. I have been trying to get him to come here but he is so busy with Civil War re-enactment and his excavating business.

    Charles Kincaid

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Independence, Kansas
    B.C.; I am beginning to close the door to the computer room, in order that I can work the keyboard without interference from 3 of my frukids. They are learning to meow if they want in, and now I am able to tell which one wants in by their sound. The ones I have to keep out are Cookie, Nickolai, and, Tiara, because they constantly bug me while I'm on the board. and not only that, but they also trample the keys, and create a mess of my posts.


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