Some of you might have heard/read about this if you live in the Chicago area. A woman was found dead in the trunk of her car. Her killer confessed to his attorney, who went and found the car and the woman inside. Turned out they were the parents of one of my sister-in-law's middle school students. She has another student who has post-traumatic stress and is hyperactive -- he has a nearly impossible time staying focused in school. They come to school with so much in their home lives, it's often hard for them to learn. So- if you could say a prayer for my sister-in-law Karen and her middle schoolers. Some good news - They are having the school musical in a few weeks and that is going well, and then right after that the eighth grade trip to Washington, D.C. Every year there are a few eighth graders who can't afford the trip and that just breaks my heart. But it is always a great experience for those who go.
