Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
Yes, I agree w/you, Ellie. When I first rescued Creamsicle, a CH baby, I was working at a church rectory and one of the priests, a woman, said to me "You should just put her down. It's only a cat; you'd be doing her a favor". I really had to bite my tongue and I said "How so?" She said "Why would you keep her alive like that?" and I said "Because God breathed into her the breath of life just as He did for you, that's why!" One of the other priests there rescued animals, too, and he later pulled me aside and said "I'm saying a special mass for your cat today", so the "it's only a cat" comment was cancelled out.
How horrible that a "priest" would say that....that kitten is one of God's creatures and if God did not want her on earth, then God would have taken her instead of letting her remain on earth. I am sorry you are not able to get Polly...I hope somebody great adopted her. I know she would have flurished in your care!!!