Doing a little experiment here; all drugs have side effects, of course. If you had to choose between the two below, which is your preference?

Drug #1 Side Effects:

• dry, gaunt, pale skin; more vulnerable to damage and infections
• poor oral health; halitosis
• decreased appetite
• odor over part or all of body
• respiratory weakening (affects lungs, respiratory system)
• decreased walking ability
• high cost, not covered by any plan
• is carcinogenic
• medullary depression, neurologic blockade
• increases in blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow from heart
• arteries narrow
• tachycardia, hypertension
• increased respiratory rate
• increases age-related blindness
• alters brain chemicals; changes moods and feelings
• increased tolerance, dependence

Drug #2 Side Effects:

• abdominal pain
• appetite changes
• constipation
• dizziness
• drowsiness
• dry mouth
• flatulence (passing gas)
• gingivitis
• headache
• heartburn
• nausea and vomiting
• rash
• sleep disturbance (difficulty sleeping or abnormal dreams)
• unusual tiredness or weakness