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Thread: Politics and religion.

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  1. #1
    Wow! Is McCain channeling George Bush The First? Picking a candidate based on demographics instead of qualifications?

    GBI thought women would vote for him with Dan Quayle on the ticket (because he was pretty - though I never saw that.)

    Now McCain picks a woman to woo the Hillary women (aka The Sisterhood of Traveling Pantsuits.)

    Rather obvious. I suppose she will show up at her first "national" outing in a pantsuit!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post

    GBI thought women would vote for him with Dan Quayle on the ticket (because he was pretty - though I never saw that.)
    Awww c'mon Sara. He was prettier than Pretty Boy Edwards. I can't believe you and I are on the same side of this.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Awww c'mon Sara. He was prettier than Pretty Boy Edwards.
    I like men with a little meat on them. Both Quayle and Edwards were too scrawny for my taste...

  4. #4
    And she doesn't even spell her first name correctly!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    I like men with a little meat on them.
    Is that a Monica Lewinsky joke?

    Palin hunts, fishes and did a stint with Monty Python, Perfect!

    LOL, I wonder who she'll take out bird hunting.


    On Wednesday, I started to listen to the voting and when the states were 'role called' the speaker for the delegates were so over the top with their spiels I tuned out. "I represent the great state of Confusion, Home to indecision, breakdowns and lethargy. Confusion is the birthplace of antidepressants, Uppers and four o'clock martinis! We also grow green pitted olives!"

    Please, vote and let's move on.

    BO talks a great game.

    As PS31 and I have said before-He's 'on his feet' thinking irks me. The teleprompter is his friend and I cannot listen to someone with so much education umm and ahh his was thru a speech. He sounds like a suspect on COPS being asked about a crime......."So, why did you run?" "Umm, I was afraid!" "Afraid of what?" "That you were ummmmm chasing me!"

    Spectacles are good, like the half time shows at a football game, the opening ceremonies at the Olympics, or a good 4th of July fireworks show.

    I'd love to see a good off-the-cuff speech in a corn field with no teleprompter-Oh, I do want to see porta potties for the crowd.


    Break it down like this.

    340 million people in the US.

    How many are women, how many can vote? Howl are Republicans?
    How many will vote. And how many will vote for a woman?

    There are some disenfranchised women voters who would vote "WOMAN' no matter which party had a woman on the ticket.

    BO has an aide that used to be a football player. I cannot remember his name.
    during the interview he did for a TV show he stated that he got into politics and the onto the BO team because he wanted to work, "for a guy that looked like him." Hmmmm, I wonder what he meant by that?

    The BO run has been fraught with innuendo about race-but when a black guy hints about it there's no comment. Try that with McCain- I want to work with him because he's white! I want to volunteer for Palin because she has a va-jay-jay! I want to volunteer for Biden because he looks like that creepy, no talent Bill Maher! And I saw that Rev. Al had to come out -now that the coast was clear and try to inject his brand of stupidity on what was a milestone in American politics.



    Ack, I just saw a movie about a woman who the president appoints to replace the VP who is dies. I cannot remember the name of was good.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2002

    I had to pick the Arianna/Bill Maher picture. IT cements the thought about her choice in men. Always a loser.

    Everyone knows about my aversion to politicians with parts in their hair......I hereby add to that list, 'old guys with receding hairlines".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post

    I had to pick the Arianna/Bill Maher picture. IT cements the thought about her choice in men. Always a loser.

    Everyone knows about my aversion to politicians with parts in their hair......I hereby add to that list, 'old guys with receding hairlines".
    Richard, I wouldn't want you to have to identify anyone in a line-up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Richard, I wouldn't want you to have to identify anyone in a line-up!
    Stay out of trouble-that's all I have to say!


    I am going to toe the line here and say something about the press and the stupid AHs that will bug SP about her run.

    Wait for the questions!

    If we asked Bill Clinton about "boxers or briefs" what will this poor gal have to put up with?

    Thongs or Granny panties, padded or underwire?, Then toss in the real deal stuff-abortion, child abuse and ??????

    We will see how rude and disrespectful people will be towards this gal.

    I don't watch Jay, Dave or any of the other late night shows.......this should be interesting.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    Is that a Monica Lewinsky joke?

    Palin hunts, fishes and did a stint with Monty Python, Perfect!

    LOL, I wonder who she'll take out bird hunting.


    On Wednesday, I started to listen to the voting and when the states were 'role called' the speaker for the delegates were so over the top with their spiels I tuned out. "I represent the great state of Confusion, Home to indecision, breakdowns and lethargy. Confusion is the birthplace of antidepressants, Uppers and four o'clock martinis! We also grow green pitted olives!"

    Please, vote and let's move on.

    BO talks a great game.

    As PS31 and I have said before-He's 'on his feet' thinking irks me. The teleprompter is his friend and I cannot listen to someone with so much education umm and ahh his was thru a speech. He sounds like a suspect on COPS being asked about a crime......."So, why did you run?" "Umm, I was afraid!" "Afraid of what?" "That you were ummmmm chasing me!"

    Spectacles are good, like the half time shows at a football game, the opening ceremonies at the Olympics, or a good 4th of July fireworks show.

    I'd love to see a good off-the-cuff speech in a corn field with no teleprompter-Oh, I do want to see porta potties for the crowd.


    Break it down like this.

    340 million people in the US.

    How many are women, how many can vote? Howl are Republicans?
    How many will vote. And how many will vote for a woman?

    There are some disenfranchised women voters who would vote "WOMAN' no matter which party had a woman on the ticket.

    BO has an aide that used to be a football player. I cannot remember his name.
    during the interview he did for a TV show he stated that he got into politics and the onto the BO team because he wanted to work, "for a guy that looked like him." Hmmmm, I wonder what he meant by that?

    The BO run has been fraught with innuendo about race-but when a black guy hints about it there's no comment. Try that with McCain- I want to work with him because he's white! I want to volunteer for Palin because she has a va-jay-jay! I want to volunteer for Biden because he looks like that creepy, no talent Bill Maher! And I saw that Rev. Al had to come out -now that the coast was clear and try to inject his brand of stupidity on what was a milestone in American politics.



    Ack, I just saw a movie about a woman who the president appoints to replace the VP who is dies. I cannot remember the name of was good.

    At least I can say one thing for you RICHARD....can't understand what you are trying to say...but you do close with "truth in advertising!"

  10. #10
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    At least I can say one thing for you RICHARD....can't understand what you are trying to say...but you do close with "truth in advertising!"
    Are you missing the sarcasm gene?

    You sound like a politician, You only make one point and you repeat it time and time again.

    My posts do not come with a translation-I feel that it's catering to a select few.


    Here, let me make a comment that you can yell and scream about.....It's so politically incorrect that I had a good chuckle about it.

    Sarah Palin is a hottie. She's good looking in that Woman-instructor/teacher way. The gal that you'd day dream about in class......What does she look like with her hair down? Why the jackets all the time? Thongs or bikinis?

    Read it slowly and with some gusto.....

  11. Sorry RICHARD...doesn't bother me that you can identify a good looking woamn. I agree with you she is attractive. If she was homely, McCain would not have picked her. But then there are not many homely politicians. In our media age -- looks matter.

    I once worked with a guy who was very proud he knew latin and ancient greek. So he would create new words and use them in memos. He thought this very clever and that he was smarter than everyone else.

    I could never understand. If others cannot understand what you are saying...what's the point?

    You sound like a politician, You only make one point and you repeat it time and time again.
    Do you mean like someone saying... XIO is an empty suit...over and over again?

    Love your new signature....

    I guess you missed MY sarcasm? What gene are you missing?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    Now McCain picks a woman to woo the Hillary women (aka The Sisterhood of Traveling Pantsuits.)
    I don't care how many people he waves in front of me wearing skirts (or pant suits either for that matter), I won't vote on any one just because of their gender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Besides, she's the cookie who is suing the Fed Government over the polar bears. Isn't that a conflict of interest? She running for a Fed Government job now, eh?

    AND he keeps squawking about Obama having no experience to be President. At least OB is a Senator not just a first time Governor. There is a very good chance she will end up as President before McCain's term is out just due to his age.
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



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