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Thread: Politics and religion.

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  1. #1
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    Sep 2002
    You'd think that both these idiots would have learned thier lessons about talking to 'men of the cloth'.

    Between the stuttering, the amused look on the codger's face and the smarmy pastor's "slickness" I lost interest rather quickly.

    Leave it to some self proclaimed religious Cuckoo Clock to put together a self-promoting event at his own 'church'.



    LOL, did anyone ever find out about the idiots who interrupted the BO speecha a few weeks ago?


    Betcha BO had the windows open on the plane and his ears caught the wind....emergency? I should say so!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    Leave it to some self proclaimed religious Cuckoo Clock to put together a self-promoting event at his own 'church'.

    I'm sorry you feel this way Richard. I have read Rick Warren's book and it gives one plenty of food for thought as to what is important in life and why we are here in the first place. He is a gifted writer and teacher and he and his wife are doing good things for children who have become orphans through HIV/AIDS in Africa.

    I am having trouble with your description of him as a *righteous cuckoo clock.* I guess only in the next life will we able to see who was righteous and who was not. "Judge not lest ye be judged."

    I agree that there are many TV preachers today who have no message other than "let's all feel good and get rich." Rick Warren is not one of them. The Evangelical vote is important to both sides so I believe it was important for these two men to open up as to where they stand on some issues that may not seems important to others but are to evangelicals. It was a more personal two hours than we will see in the upcoming debates, and I will be watching those as well.

  3. #3
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    Pam, I had not heard of Rick Warren before this event, but I was pleasantly
    surprised. It was meant to be a conversation on religious values & touched
    on some heated moral questions that face this country today. It was very
    well done & now I'm glad I didn't blow it off & not watch.

    I thought Obama did a good job of talking about his personal convictions
    and how Christian teachings influence his world view. McCain, on the other
    hand, tended to slip off message & lapse into the old political stump speaches
    he perfers to give. All in all, it was helpful & sometimes revealing to see how
    they think.
    I've Been Boo'd

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizbud View Post

    I thought Obama did a good job of talking about his personal convictions
    and how Christian teachings influence his world view.
    One of them being that it is OK to kill babies in the womb? How does he reconcile this with "his Christianity?" Well, I guess it's OK if one chooses to make up their own Christianity as they go along. I think he'd do well to do some reading in *the Book* he says influences his thinking. He didn't get that world view from that Book.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    One of them being that it is OK to kill babies in the womb? How does he reconcile this with "his Christianity?" Well, I guess it's OK if one chooses to make up their own Christianity as they go along. I think he'd do well to do some reading in *the Book* he says influences his thinking. He didn't get that world view from that Book.

    Oh gosh Pam, you & I would never agree on the pro choice/pro life
    argument. I believe I am a Christian in good standing, but certainly
    believe each and every woman should be able to have the right to
    make this choice for themselves.
    I've Been Boo'd

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  6. #6
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    I am a Christian too. I too believe abortion is not the answer. But I also know that if a woman really wants an abortion, she will get one; no matter if it's legal or not. Sometimes going to places that are unsanitary and dangerous.

    When you hear of babies being thrown in trash cans and killed by their mothers that's a big hint something is not right in our society. Is it better for a little one to never draw a breath or be born and tortured to death?

    A woman who has an abortion has to live with what she has done her entire life and, I believe, for eternity.

    My solution is education. I don't mean handing out condoms either. I'd go to the grade schools and get the girls that are 8 or 9 and start teaching them what happens during abortions. Teach them that their actions have coinsequences and show them what those may be.

    I'd show films and show the process and what happens to the babies. I'd probably have the kids so scared they wouldn't want sex until menopause. I'd also teach them that if they should get pregnant, they have options like giving the baby up and who to talk to.

    I'd also teach them that life is precious and sacred and should not be ended lightly.

    You need to teach the girls early because they are getting into trouble early. I myself, could have been a mother at 10 years old. Back then though, we didn't even know what sex was at that age.

    We have become a throw away society and have lost touch with feeling for others. Somehow we forget that what we do can hurt other people. (even unborn people)
    Last edited by momoffuzzyfaces; 08-17-2008 at 06:40 PM.
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
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  7. #7
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    I don't believe someone who is pro choice necessarily would choose to have an abortion or thinks it is okay, they just want the choice for women.
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  8. #8
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    I'm sorry you feel this way Richard.
    Here in Cah Lee fuh nee ah you have about 13,000 different religions.

    After a while you hear of them all and they still don't make any sense at alll-The Fractured Blessed Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ Community Outreach and Botica (Mexican Herbal Pharmacy).

    On the 4800 block of Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood there are three different churches within spitting distance of each other. The Scientologist HQ, the Self Realization Church and another church that I never saw opened during seven years of walking by it almost every day.

    In a two mile radius there were about 20 different churches that worshipped some sacred body part, saint, god, brain function or miraculous miracle.


    I had never heard of Warren before and just thought he was another run of the mill 'pastor'. I should have known something was up when there was no mention of time shares at the religious amusement park he was building!
    Last edited by RICHARD; 08-17-2008 at 12:51 PM.

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