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Thread: Rainbow Bridge

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    I think the letter writing was a beautiful thing. I do that when I am angry or sad and it works!! I hope you are coping with your loss.

    [This message has been edited by shais_mom (edited February 02, 2001).]

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I honestly, totally, love you all.
    Thank you SO much for your help. My friend seems better today at work (occupied) but said the nights are the worse. The dog slept with her and everywhere she looks, there's a toy her baby loved. She admits she knew when Tisha didn't greet her the last day cause she couldn't do the steps and started to whine, that it was right. I know it must be soooo overwhelming. I did tell her how much Tisha loved her from her stories and that she will be with her forever. Thank you too, for the suggestion of writing down feelings! I love to write (obviously) and should have thought of it. I will tell her.
    I'm glad I can be there for her. Next week I will forward these posts to her. Many many hugs to all of you for your kindness and help. xoxoxox Karen

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    My heart goes out to all of you who have lost a pet. Daisy is my first dog and I don't even want to think about not having her anymore... I had a hamster in sixth grade and he was my first real pet besides fish and stuff like that and I really loved him. One day he was sick and woulnd't eat, so we searched all over the state for a vet that would care for hamsters. My wonderful mother took me out of schoole early and we drove for an hour to a vet for hamsters. He gave Ritz a shot and gave me medicine to give him every morning. We spent 70 dollars. Then the next morning, I picked him up out of his cage and he started having seizures in my hands. He ended up dying there in my hands. It was so awful looking down at him and knowing he was going to die. I remember just screaming "Someone help me! Can't anyone get over here and do something?" My father just put him arm around me as I screamed for help, but he knew there was nothing he could do, and then Ritz stopped moving. I sobbed hysterically for five hours. I couldn't go to school. To make things worse, it was January 17 so the ground was frozen. Trying to bury him was quite a task. My poor father was chipping away the ground with a pic axe while I stood next to him holding Ritz in a box, bawling. Anyway I know a hamster is different from a dog, but if I cried for five hours about a hamster, then I don't want to imagine the pain you must feel over a dog. One of my best friends lost her dog the same day your friend did, Teena. Before I had Daisy, I thought of Sugarfoot as my dog. She was a such a sweet girl. She died of cancer and I was there with my friend Erin to cry with her. My cousin/neighbor's dog Joey died of cancer also. He was a Bernese Mountain dog and was only three Though he died two years ago my cousin Christy is still mourning him and still cries about him. What a big sweet dog he was. Well now I am depressing myself... I just want to say I am very sorry for all of your losses.

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